eCabs going 100% green by 2025

Feb 27 2021 Share

eCabs, the well-known Maltese cab company, plans to revolutionise its fleet of vehicles into eco-friendly cars by 2025. eCabs CEO Matthew Bezzina announced the change alongside Energy and Enterprise Minister Miriam Dalli, and stated how this shift will require equal commitment from the government to ensure that electric mobility is supported.

“Eleven years ago, we made a leap of faith inspired by a vision of radically transforming mobility in Malta. We never…

Posted by eCabs on Friday, 26 February 2021

Electric models from KIA, Hyundai and Citroen have already joined the ranks in eCab’s vehicle arsenal. Bezzina is immensely encouraged by the support given to welcome this project, with Dalli highlighting the hard work undertaken by her ministry to introduce the holistic strategy. This project will introduce Malta to a more sustainable and cleaner transport system, and possibly start the road towards a carbon-free economy.


Decline in English A grades according to examiners

Feb 27 2021 Share

Examiners have lamented that in the A-Level paper during 2020, 10 out of 783 candidates obtained an A grade. The downwards slope was noted up to five years ago in the 2019 report. A grade students seem to have declined to 1.3% from the previous 4.1% in last year’s session. 2020 saw lower percentages than 2017 to 2014. Examiners claimed that this should not be seen as a sign of falling standards.

Ds increased up to 17.9% from 17.2%, with more Cs (30.7% from 29.1%) and Bs (8.1% from 5.9%). As, Es and Fs all seem to have declined, with a high concentration of mid grades B to D. This warrants investigation by educators as to why this has been occurring. A notable decline in poor performances however could be attributed to students having more time to prepare for the exam due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Malta could face a lockdown if discipline is neglected

Feb 27 2021 Share
The Chamber of Commerce has stated that a more serious enforcement of COVID-19 measures are required to avoid any future lockdown. With this week seeing the highest number of COVID-19 cases and spread of variants, the Chamber highlighted the importance of not becoming complacent.
The introduction of the vaccine should not be a green light to ignore measures as the road towards removing COVID-19 from the field of play is still a long way ahead.
A false sense of security might result in a lockdown as cases continues to spread, and thus with the help of the vaccine, measures should still be tended too. Social gatherings are still to be avoided and only necessary work requirements should warrant individuals to meet up in numbers.

Contraceptives to find their place on essential medicine list soon

Feb 27 2021 Share
As part of a new sexual health strategy with a more holistic approach, Health Minister Chris Fearne hinted at contraceptives being placed on the essential medicine list. The strategy hasn’t been updated in ten years, but this new incentive could see the statements made by activities be given fruition.
According to WHO, essential medicines are ‘those that satisfy the priority health needs of the population’ and qualify to make it to the list in consideration of evidence of clinical efficacy and safety, cost-effectiveness, disease prevalence and public health relevance.
Contraceptives have had a sore history in Malta, but this measure might see the country being stocked with them to address any requirement.