€3 million in government vouchers spent by Maltese public

€3 million in government vouchers spent by Maltese public
Jun 24 2021 Share

Economy minister Silvio Schembri stated that around €3 million worth of COVID-19 vouchers have already been spent by the public since the scheme started on the 7th of June. Following the negative and heavy impact experienced by the economy, the second round of vouchers was introduced to encourage spending and aid businesses in Malta. People aged over 16 were each given €100 in vouchers to spend in restaurants, hotels and other services.

The vouchers can be used up until 15th September, with the total scheme amounting to around €50 million. Any business or customer that misuses the governmental vouchers can be fined up to €500. Another directive also informs businesses to keep a record of the redeemed vouchers for a year from the end of the scheme in September.


Photo Source: Silvio Schembri FB

3 COVID-19 cases registered with 2 recoveries

Jun 24 2021 Share

Malta has registered 3 new cases of COVID-19 in the past 24 hours from 2,271 swab tests, while 2 patients have recovered. No deaths were registered in the past 24 hours. This information was announced by the official Facebook page of Malta’s Ministry for Health.

As of Thursday 24th June 2021, 640,729 vaccine doses were administered of which 353,895 were 1st doses. 299,151 people are currently fully vaccinated.

To date, Malta has registered 30,598 COVID-19 cases in total, of which: 30,151 have recovered, 420 died and 27 are still active.


Photo Source: Charmaine Gauci FB

Jason Micallef pledged to confront Fr David Muscat over FATF mass

Jason Micallef pledged to confront Fr David Muscat over FATF mass
Jun 24 2021 Share

Fr. David Muscat, known for his provocative statements, posted a statement saying ‘Greylisted – Glory glory Alleluia!’ to Facebook following the decision by the FATF. He also announced that a solemn hymn of ‘Te Deum Laudamus’ will be sung to thank God for this news. Muscat has constantly criticised Malta’s financial and gaming industries, stating them to be built on structures of sin.

Prompted by the post, Valletta Cultural Agency chairman Jason Micallef pledged to confront the controversial priest at his chapel. Micallef noted how Muscat still has permission from Curia to deliver mass at the Speranza Chapel in Mosta. On the day of confrontation, Micallef was seen out walking his dog and watching over Fr. David’s proceedings.

Concluding that the priest was not celebrating mass but only serving morning rosary, Micallef decided against the confrontation. He did however state that he has every ‘right to express [his] view about a priest who said this mass, which it is not after all, would be a thanksgiving for Malta’s FATF grey listing.’

He added that the Catholic worshippers involved who might not have seen the post on social media should know that the mass was against Malta itself. He pointed out that he won’t tell them about Muscat’s ‘boast[ing] of watching pornography at night, but his statements celebrating grey-listing are, according to Micallef, unacceptable.


Photo Source: Jason Micallef FB, FrDavid Muscat FB

Malta daily Facebook 300x250

Second AstraZeneca jab earlier than planned for 7,000 people

Second AstraZeneca jab earlier than planned for 7000 people
Jun 24 2021 Share

7,000 people will be getting their second AstraZeneca jab earlier than planned as the health authorities will be taking the precaution against the Indian Delta variant. The Malta Independent was informed about this rescheduling, revealing that people who got their first dose and had second appointments 10 weeks later are being given earlier appointments.

Messages are allegedly being sent to people stating ‘our aim is to get you fully vaccinated’, along with new appointment dates. The Malta Independent was informed by the Health Ministry that the interval between the two doses for this particular vaccine allows for a range between 4 to 12 weeks. Malta has allegedly enough stock to affect around 7,000 people. Malta is not the first country to move up jab dates, as the UK has done so following a surge in cases.

Malta daily Facebook 970x90


Photo Source: BBC