A drug test is being envisioned for police officers to prevent drug abuse within the force. Speaking about the transformation strategy seeking to further modernise and make the force more accountable, commissioner Angelo Gaga stated that the face is fighting corruption. This includes police officers being able to report colleagues on crimes without being identified and action taken against them. Starting 2022, police officers who refuse undergoing the drug test may be dismissed from the force.
An internal consultation is currently ongoing in the force, revealed Gafa, which aims to introduce this procedure after the law was enacted by Parliament. He said that the aim is that the Force’s high officers undergo the test at least once a year. Other measures are also set to be implemented including a registry in which all gifts offered to police members are to be listed.
Gafa also referred to the public inquiry conclusions on the murder Daphne Caruana Galizia and revealed that courses will be held so that officers maintain good relations with journalists to avoid leaks in the media. This comes following talks with the Institute of Maltese Journalists. The strategy is set to be fully implemented by 2025, with Interior Minister Byron Camilleri saying that the Police Force is trusted more by the public with a 6% increase within twelve months.
Photo Source: Malta Police Force FB, Verywell Mind