Renowned manga artist Akira Toriyama, creator of the beloved Dragon Ball series, has sadly passed away at the age of 68 on March 1st, succumbing to complications from an acute subdural hematoma. The news was confirmed by Bird Studio, the manga company he founded in 1983.
Born in Nagoya, Japan in 1955, Toriyama’s journey in the world of manga began with humble origins. Despite facing initial setbacks with early works like “Wonder Island,” he persevered and eventually found fame with the breakout hit “Dr. Slump” in 1980. However, it was his creation of “Dragon Ball” in 1984 that catapulted him to international stardom.
“Dragon Ball,” serialized in Weekly Shōnen Jump, captivated audiences with its blend of martial arts, adventure, and humor. The series introduced iconic characters like Son Goku and spawned a multimedia franchise encompassing TV adaptations, movies, video games, and more, making Toriyama one of Japan’s highest-selling manga authors.
Beyond “Dragon Ball,” Toriyama’s influence extended to the world of video games, where he contributed character designs to titles like Dragon Quest and Chrono Trigger. He even ventured into automotive design, creating an electric car released by Japan’s CQ Motors in 2005.
Throughout his career, Toriyama remained relatively private, often using a cyborg avatar to represent himself in public. Despite his fame, he continued to work on various projects, including film adaptations within the Dragon Ball universe.
Toriyama’s passing marks the end of an era in manga and pop culture. His unique creativity and contributions have left an indelible mark on the industry, earning him accolades and admiration from fans worldwide. While his physical presence may be gone, his legacy will continue to inspire future generations of artists and storytellers.