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Dozens dead and buildings destroyed in devastating floods in Germany

Dozens dead and buildings destroyed in devastating floods in Germany
Jul 16 2021 Share

A large-scale rescue effort was initiated on Friday by Germany after the heaviest rainfall recorded in a century devastated parts of Western Europe with flash floods. Dozens lost their lives and many more left unaccounted for. Buildings collapsed as fast moving torrents of water overwhelmed entire towns and villages in western and southern Germany. At least 55 people died, with authorities stating that the number is set to rise as many have been unaccounted for. 

Luxembourg, Netherlands and Belgium were all hit, with the latter registering six deaths. Germany recorded the highest deaths as of yet at 49 total lives lost. The German state Rhineland-Palatinate was hit the worst, with 1,300 people assumed missing in the district of Ahrweiler. German weather service spokesman Andreas Friedrich told CNN that some areas had not seen such rainfall in 100 years. 


Photo Source: CNN

Guys eat meat to feel ‘manlier’ according to new study

Guys eat meat to feel ‘manlier’ according to new study
Jul 16 2021 Share

A new study by the University of California, Los Angeles has reported that men consume meat to adhere to masculine stereotypes. The UCLA surveyed around 1,706 American adults between the ages of 18 and 88, and found that anything from ordering bloody steaks to standing over a BBQ can be interpreted as ‘masculine’ behaviour. The goal of the study was trying to identify whether or not traditional gender roles are reinforced through meat-eating. 

Participants were thus asked about their current habits and openness to vegetarianism and vegan lifestyles. Men were less likely than women to consider a vegetarian or vegan lifestyle, whilst also having an increased tendency to consume chicken and beef. The study, which was published in the academic journal ‘Appetite’, stated that altering how we view gender stereotypes could reduce meat consumption as a whole. The study noted that ‘a deeper understanding of the role of gender may help reduce public meat consumption to improve human health and environmental responsibility’. This, however, may be an arduous task. 


Photo Source: Adobe Stock

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235 COVID-19 cases registered with 6 recoveries

Jul 16 2021 Share

Malta has registered 235 new cases of COVID-19 in the past 24 hours from 3,879 swab tests, while 6 patients have recovered. No deaths were registered in the past 24 hours. This information was announced by the official Facebook page of Malta’s Ministry for Health.

As of Thursday 15th July 2021, 718,418 vaccine doses were administered of which 379,380 were 1st doses. 354,985 people are currently fully vaccinated. 

To date, Malta has registered 32,069 COVID-19 cases in total, of which: 30,208 have recovered, 420 died and 1441 are still active.

Mater Dei Hospital is currently treating a total of 14 COVID-19 positive patients, one of which is in the ITU. Of yesterday’s 222 reported cases, 195 were between ages of 10-39. The average age of yesterday’s cases was 24.


Photo Source: Charmaine Gauci FB

22% discount in Internet services for senior citizens

22% discount in Internet services for senior citizens
Jul 16 2021 Share

Senior citizens over the age of 60 living in the community will be able to benefit from new offers on internet services using their Senior Citizen ID card. The agreement was signed between the Department of Active Ageing and Community Care and GO, with Elderly and Active Ageing Minister Michael Farrugia stating that around 120,000 seniors could potentially benefit from this discount. Aimed at encouraging senior citizens to use different methods of technology and stay communally active, senior citizens who present their Maltese ID card will get a reduction on their internet service ranging between 17% and 22%.

Anzjani li għandhom ‘il fuq minn 60 sena u li jgħixu fil-komunità, se jkunu jistgħu jibbenefikaw minn offerti ġodda fuq…

Posted by Tabib Michael Farrugia on Thursday, 15 July 2021

GO’s chief commercial officer Antonio Ivankovic explained that senior citizens can benefit from a price reduction on Home Internet and a TV package which includes over 10,000 hours of films/series at a reduced price of €30 per month from € 35.99. For older people who wish to benefit from online offers outside the home, the Mobile Internet Service will have a price reduction from € 24.99 to € 19.99 per month whereas those who have the Home Pack will have a price reduction from € 22.99 to € 17.99 per month.

With 60 companies and 114 businesses forming part of the Kartanzjan scheme, the benefits allow over-60s to get discounts from a number of different shops around the Maltese islands. The minister also stated that the expression of interest is still open to businesses and other companies which are interested in being part of the scheme. 


Photo Source: Tabib Michael Farrugia FB, Japan Top News