This might come as a surprise to many but leaving the car window open whilst the vehicle is unattended is actually against the law and could earn you a ticket.
A recent post by a local named Brian Dimech raised questions after he got a LESA ticket for leaving the back window open whilst the vehicle was parked unattended.
The post saw many questioning the act, but it turns out that getting a ticket for this very same reason is an offence that many drivers misunderstand. But this confusion might also be well-founded.
Leaving a window open is an offence due to it falling under ‘leaving a vehicle unattended’ as it invites crime. However, this might not apply for drivers leaving windows open for a few centimetres of ventilation.
Meanwhile, convertible cars with their roofs down are not fined, but wardens urge people to still close them as a matter of safety. On the other extreme, leaving a car running with keys in the ignition is of course inviting a fine.