Did you know leaving your car window open unattended is against the law?!

Did you know leaving your car window open unattended is against the law?!
Oct 12 2022 Share

This might come as a surprise to many but leaving the car window open whilst the vehicle is unattended is actually against the law and could earn you a ticket. 

A recent post by a local named Brian Dimech raised questions after he got a LESA ticket for leaving the back window open whilst the vehicle was parked unattended. 

The post saw many questioning the act, but it turns out that getting a ticket for this very same reason is an offence that many drivers misunderstand. But this confusion might also be well-founded. 

Leaving a window open is an offence due to it falling under ‘leaving a vehicle unattended’ as it invites crime. However, this might not apply for drivers leaving windows open for a few centimetres of ventilation. 

Meanwhile, convertible cars with their roofs down are not fined, but wardens urge people to still close them as a matter of safety. On the other extreme, leaving a car running with keys in the ignition is of course inviting a fine. 


Bench honouring Ta’ Rita Lapsi View erected outside restaurant

Bench honouring Ta’ Rita Lapsi View erected outside restaurant
Oct 12 2022 Share

As the iconic Ghar Lapsi restaurant Ta’ Rita Lapsi View’ closes down for its upcoming refurbishment, a bench commemorating the building was placed right in front of the building to keep a slice of local history intact. Have a full look at the project here

Anna Horvath, the artist who created the bench, revealed to MaltaDaily that the colour, material and shape are inspired by the building itself. Made up of recycled construction waste, the design recalls the modernist main facade in a subtle and contemporary way. 

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Horvath also revealed that the piece was used to represent Malta at the New York Design week to take this slide of Maltese culture international. 

‘Thanks to the use of its iconic bright blue and a rigorous yet elegant composition of basic cuboid shapes and columns’, the description reads, ‘the bench will be placed in front of the building itself. 

‘Ta’ Rita Lapsi View’ was originally a small café catering for British servicemen in the 1930s. The current building is faithful to the restaurant built in the 1950s, when Għar Lapsi started attracting both local and international visitors.’ 


22 year old Justin Tabone youth who died suddenly on football pitch

22 year old Justin Tabone youth who died suddenly on football pitch
Oct 12 2022 Share

22-year-old Justin Tabone has been identified as the young man who collapsed on a football pitch during a game with friends at St Aloysius College Sports Complex on Monday night. 

Times of Malta reported that first aiders administered CPR for 15 minutes but no defibrillator (AED) could be found in time.

The newsroom also revealed that the school has two of the devices, with the closest one being located some distance away in the school building right across the street. 

The 22-year-old was playing football when he suffered a suspected heart attack at around 2130hrs. Times of Malta was informed by sources that they called an ambulance and tried to get someone to do CPR. 

The ambulance arrived 15 minutes after the call, with emergency physicians taking over. Unfortunately, the young man passed away, with St Aloysius College rector Fr Jimmy Bartolo confirming the death which occurred at Mater Dei Hospital. 

Tributes to Justin poured in, with close friends writing posts and expressing their condolences. Rest in Peace Justin.


Two men engaged in fight filmed near Msida skatepark

Two men engaged in fight filmed near Msida skatepark
Oct 11 2022 Share

Footage which surfaced online shows two individuals involved in a fist fight next to the tunnel entrance of Imsida skatepark. 

One man can be seen pinning down the other as he lands punch after punch before he is interrupted by another man who steps in to calm down the situation. 


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All of this takes place on the road as the two men are pinned to a barrier with cars driving behind them. It is unclear what led to the fight and who these individuals are but we condemn the violent acts as seen in the video. 
