Destiny unveils new Eurovision dress for her second rehearsal

Destiny unveils new Eurovision dress for her second rehearsal
May 13 2021 Share

Following the social media uproar that followed after Malta’s Eurovision 2021 ambassador Destiny Chukunyere’s dress was unveiled, the young singer has posted an Instagram photo of her new dress. Captioned; ‘Feeling comfortable in my own skin, again’, the dress is set to make its debut on Destiny’s second Eurovision rehearsal.



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Moving away from the pink dress which sparked much discourse on social media, the new dress also caught followers’ attention as Destiny took to the platform by stating ‘It’s time to shine but its too early to sing.’ We’ll have to see which one will make the main stage during the actual competition, but Destiny seems to have rocked both with immense confidence and joy as her song ‘Je Me Casse’ makes waves as a potential victor.


Photo Source: destinyofficial_x IG

Bernard Grech confirms the PN’s stance against abortion decriminalisation

Bernard Grech confirms the PN’s stance against abortion decriminalisation
May 13 2021 Share

Following the historic bill proposed yesterday by independent MP Marlene Farrugia, Opposition leader Bernard Grech announced his, and the Nationalist Party’s, position against the decriminalisation of abortion. In a Facebook post, Grech stated that ‘The Nationalist Party believes with the utmost conviction that life begins at conception and ends at death, and can therefore never be in favour of decriminalising abortion.’

Il-Partit Nazzjonalista jemmen bl-aktar mod assolut fil-ħajja mill-konċepiment sal-mewt u għalhekk ma jista' qatt ikun…

Posted by Bernard Grech on Wednesday, 12 May 2021

He added that the party is in favour of taking the necessary measures in favour of everyone’s sexual health without endangering the life of the child before and after birth. The stance was met with both support and criticism. Many applauded Grech and the party for its ability to stick to its values unwavering. Others, however, criticised the stance by stating that the PN’s inability to adapt to the times is resulting in an ‘out of touch’ worldview.


Photo Source: Bernard Grech FB, iStock

Breaking: Abortion bill proposed for the first time in Malta by Marlene Farrugia

May 12 2021 Share

Independent MP Marlene Farrugia has filed the first historic bill in Malta to decriminalise abortion. Malta is still one of the few countries in the world, not to mention the only EU state, to completely ban abortion. Farrugia presented the bill in the House on Wednesday after the question period. The House Business Committee will have to decide if or when the bill will be eventually debated in parliament.

Marlene Farrugia was never known to be a pro-choice politician, indeed having her last official party statement as a Democratic Party MP as being pro-life. She was also known for utilising the word ‘pro-choice’ by stating that women should have the ‘real choice’ against terminating an unwanted pregnancy by proposing adoption. The bill being presented however calls for the decriminalisation of abortion and will ensure no person or medical professional is criminalised for the activity.


Photo Source: Mark Camilleri FB

Tied up rabbit left for dead in a pile of rubbish

Tied up rabbit left for dead in a pile of rubbish
May 12 2021 Share

Sunshine Animal Sanctuary Malta took to Facebook to express their shock and concern after a rabbit was found tied up in a plastic bag and thrown into a pile of rubbish. The organisation pointed out this was clearly a pet someone no longer wanted and in an irresponsible and heartless act, left the poor animal in such a horrid condition. Despite not knowing how long the rabbit spent in such a condition, the animal was found covered in parasites, allegedly blinded, covered in knots, hungry and thirsty.

The bunny was found by a girl who immediately contacted Animal Welfare and a number of NGOs before Sunshine Animal Sanctuary Malta could intervene and help. The bunny is being cared for, but the organisation is reportedly swamped by rabbits rescued from similar fates. They encourage anyone who wants to adopt to contact the organisation or even help by donating.


Photo Source: Sunshine Animal Sanctuary Malta FB