
David Borda honoured with the first “Premju Formidabli 2023” award

Jun 11 2023 Share

In a celebration of life and a call to society to pay more attention to those facing challenges, David Borda was awarded the prestigious “Premju Formidabli 2023.” The award recognises individuals who have persevered through difficult circumstances and continued to make significant contributions to society.

Presented by the Minister for Inclusion, Volunteering, and Consumer Rights, Julia Farrugia, the award ceremony was organised by MP Ivan Bartolo, Spokesperson for Social Accommodation and Social Inclusion and the Fight against Poverty. Minister Farrugia emphasised that this initiative transcends political boundaries, as it represents a shared commitment to humanity. She expressed her appreciation for Ivan Bartolo’s vision and stressed the need for further work in this area to unite the nation.

Ivan Bartolo, the brain behind the “Premju Formidabli,” explained that the purpose of the award is to acknowledge and appreciate the hidden work individuals do throughout their lives. He emphasised that the award is not based on one’s life circumstances, social status, or public image but rather on the values they embody. David Borda was recognised for his resilience and determination in the face of personal challenges and his continuous contributions to Malta and its people.

Bartolo highlighted the societal divisions that have created advantages for some and disadvantages for others, stressing that those facing adversity are often the most humane individuals affected by such inequalities. He called for social justice and equitable distribution of wealth and resources to rectify these disparities.

During the evening, Adrian Casha, a former football FIFA referee who is battling Parkinsons, shared his inspiring story. Despite the challenges posed by the disease, Casha expressed his determination to lead a normal life and encouraged others to face their own challenges head-on and never give up.

The presence of political leaders at the event demonstrated the bipartisan support for this cause. The Leader of Opposition, Bernard Grech, along with the Deputy Leader of the PN Alex Perici Calascione, and deputies from both sides of the chamber attended the ceremony, further underscoring the significance of the “Premju Formidabli” in promoting unity and inclusivity.

Photo Source: Ruben Buhagiar


Twistees launched in India as Vicheez

Twistees launched in India as Vicheez
Jun 11 2023 Share

Malta’s much-loved snack, Twistees, was officially launched in India. Twistees will be called Vicheez in the Indian Market. The grand launching events took place at two prestigious venues: the Panchsheel Club in New Delhi and the Jullundur Gymkhana Club in Jalandhar.

The launch events were graced by the esteemed presence of Reuben Gauci, the High Commissioner of Malta to India, along with high-level delegates from Twistees Malta, including Mr. John Calleja and Ms. Thresa Atkins. The importer of the product, Mr. Sahil Tandon from A&Z Import and Export, India, also attended the events.

The atmosphere was filled with excitement and anticipation as attendees eagerly awaited their first taste of Vicheez. The aroma of the crispy, cheesy snacks wafted through the air, instantly capturing the attention of all present.

During the launch events, guests had the opportunity to sample Vicheez and experience the unique flavours that have made Twistees a favourite among Maltese snack lovers for years. The attendees praised the delightful combination of crunchiness and cheesiness, which made Vicheez an instant hit.

The launch of Vicheez in India marks an exciting chapter in the snack industry, bridging the gap between cultures and bringing a taste of Malta to Indian consumers. With the support of the High Commissioner and the enthusiastic response from attendees, it is evident that Vicheez has the potential to become a beloved snack among the Indian population.


Group of Youths Forced to Clean Up Their Own Littered Mess

Group of Youths Forced to Clean Up Their Own Littered Mess
Jun 11 2023 Share

A Facebook status posted by the Malta Ranger Unit highlighted an incident involving a large group of underaged teenagers and an adult who defaced the area at Qalet Marku.

The Rangers discovered the group, along with the adult who left before the arrival of the police, leaving trash scattered across a wide area, including near the seashore. Additionally, the hot charcoal from their BBQ was dumped onto the garigue.

Upon the arrival of the EPU Police, who caught the group still swimming at Baħar iċ-Ċagħaq bay, all individuals identified by the Rangers were escorted back to the scene and required to clean up every piece of litter they had left behind. The Rangers and Police emphasised to the youngsters that this behaviour was unacceptable and educated them about the importance of leaving no trace and respecting the natural environment they were enjoying.

The adult who had left the site with their vehicle was successfully documented by the Rangers, and the full footage will be handed over to the Malta Police EPU for investigation and the issuance of a fine. The Malta Ranger Unit encourages parents and guardians to have conversations with their minors about the consequences and ethical implications of littering. It is crucial to instil in young individuals the values of responsible behaviour, both at home and in nature.

Furthermore, parents should be aware that they can be held accountable for the actions of their underaged children. The Malta Ranger Unit expresses gratitude to the EPU Police for their dedicated service in handling such incidents.


📷 Malta Ranger Unit

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“Tadam tal-Baħar” spotted along Pembroke’s shore

"Tadam tal-Baħar" spotted along Pembroke's shore
Jun 11 2023 Share

In a post on ‘Are you being served?’ questions were risen on an unusual “red slug” sighting along the shores of Pembroke. Many people who had never encountered these fascinating creatures before found themselves questioning what they were and their potential dangers. As anemones may appear unusual to some, it’s essential to shed light on their nature and address any concerns they may raise.

Sea anemones or “Tadam tal-Baħar” are marine invertebrates that belong to the cnidarian family, known for their stinging cells called nematocysts. These organisms have a cylindrical body with tentacles radiating from a central mouth-like opening. The vibrant colours and delicate structures of sea anemones make them a captivating sight.

While sea anemones possess stinging cells, they are generally harmless to humans. However, it is advisable to exercise caution and avoid touching them as individuals with sensitive skin may experience mild irritation or allergic reactions. If you come across a sea anemone during your beach visit, the best course of action is to observe them from a safe distance and appreciate their beauty without disturbing their natural habitat.

Sea anemones play a crucial role in marine ecosystems. They serve as homes for various fish species and provide protection from predators.

The appearance of sea anemones along Pembroke’s shore offers a unique opportunity for beachgoers to witness these remarkable creatures up close. By understanding their harmless nature and respecting their habitat, we can appreciate the beauty of these marine wonders while ensuring their conservation for future generations to enjoy.
