
David Attenborough says it’s too late to reverse climate change damages

Feb 25 2021 Share

After the United Nations warned that humanity has potentially made Earth an uninhabitable planet, natural historian and presenter David Attenborough layered a warning of his own.

Now 94 years old, Attenborough has seen the Earth’s climate and natural situation worsen, but despite his warning, he says that wealthy countries can still put in the work in hopes of remedying the problem.

Climate change should be a situation that unites all people together, he said as the UN’s COP26climate summit looms closer. This is, according to Attenborough, our last opportunity to change.


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Bernard Grech poetically wishes a happy birthday to daughter Maria

Feb 25 2021 Share

Opposition leader Bernard Grech takes to Facebook to address his daughter Maria’s birthday with some sentimental words of love. He poetically states how a father wishes what is best to his child for as long as he is alive.

Sakemm tibqa' titbissemtitriegħex qalbi.Xi jrid missier għal bintuJekk mhux li tkun serenali tasal fejn tixtieqli…

Posted by Bernard Grech on Wednesday, 24 February 2021

He wants her to achieve all that she dreams of and to reach any destination she sets her intention on. On top of all that, he claims he is ready to fail in his own endeavours in order to see her thrive and he wants nothing in return for his love and devotion. Along with her father, we wish Maria Grech a happy birthday and all the best wishes.

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Calling a friend could help overcome pandemic loneliness

Feb 25 2021 Share

A recent study published in the JAMA Psychiatry journal has revealed that a 10 minute phone call could ease the burden of loneliness. In times of a pandemic with lockdowns being a norm, this recent research provides people with a possible solution to another crisis that accompanies it: solitude.

A half of 240 participants received brief calls from volunteers over the course of a month, reporting back a 20% decrease in loneliness. The volunteers were specifically trained in empathetic communication skills such as active listening, asking about recipient, etc. and the study participants were given complete control of the phone call.

Lead study author Maninder Kahlon stated that looking into one’s own friend group and finding those who are truly interested in listening can have the same results for those who wish to implement this concept.


Rosianne Cutajar to resign from Parliamentary Secretary position “pending outcome of the process”

Feb 25 2021 Share

Parliamentary Secretary Rosianne Cutajar took to Facebook on Thursday to report that she has decided to offer her resignation from Parliamentary Secretary following recent events.

Fl-aħħar ġimgħat kont soġġetta għal diversi attakki inġusti, spins politiċi u kummenti qarrieqa. Mhux ħa nidħol…

Posted by Rosianne Cutajar on Thursday, 25 February 2021

Cutajar went on to reiterate that she has never done business with entrepreneur Yorgen Fenech, despite knowing him when he was accused in his involvement with the Caruana Galizia murder.

The politician stated that she has always acted with integrity and correctness and in the coming days she will be defending her name with utmost honesty and conviction.
