Speaking to Times of Malta’s Mark Laurence Zammit, Opposition Leader Bernard Grech said that if Labour is re-elected with a huge majority, Daphne Caruana Galizia will have died in vain.
Asked if he thinks he’ll win the election, Grech said that he doesn’t really think about it but he instead wants to see the country win.

Grech went on to say that apart from the late journalist having been killed in vain, the re-election of Abela’s Labour Party would mean that the work of journalists would have been futile.
‘If you’re fed up, you can’t just stay there and complain. You must vote to narrow the majority or elect PN to government. He went on to explain how he does not plan on stepping down and is instead focusing on narrowing the gap.
Grech had previously explained how he plans to stay with Malta ‘after Saturday’. The only survey which matters is the general election said Grech, also echoing something Prime Minister Robert Abela had stated during his political rallies.
Grech told Laurence Zammit that the party came a long way, saying that the election result will show just how much the party has improved after he took over as leader. Abela has also repeatedly stated that the election starts at 0-0.