
Danusan’s brush with COVID-19 revealed on latest UX News

Mar 9 2021 Share

As the boys had once mentioned on an episode of UX News by MaltaDaily, no one can escape the monster that is COVID-19 and unfortunately, that includes our very own Danusan!

In the latest quarantined episode of UX News, Sander reveals that the dynamic duo have contracted COVID-19 and despite the virus leaving its effects, the show went on.

Sander pays tribute to the recently-passed Ġorġ l-Għannej tal-Mulej, discusses Will Smith’s presidential election and much, much more.

Wishing Danusan a speedy recovery and here’s hoping they get back on their feet and on our screens in no time!


Church announces further COVID-19 measures for upcoming feasts

Mar 9 2021 Share

Good Friday and Easter have invited the Curia to announce new COVID-19 directives as festivities approach closer. No exhibitions will be occurring during the Holy Week, along with traditional visits to seven altars on Maundy Thursday and Good Friday. Washing of feet ceremony and kissing of feet of crucified Christ will also be cancelled.

Processions will not be taking place whilst in the Curia’s new statement it was pointed out that statues of the Redeemer, Crucified Christ, Lady of Sorrows and Risen Christ will be the only statues taken out during Holy Week, although privately. Celebrations will be broadcast on TVM2 with Maundy Thursday visits allowed in only one church.


Smart contact lenses to launch in 2030

Mar 9 2021 Share

Apple may be working on creating contact lenses which would offer a literal alternative view of the world. Even though it sounds like something straight out of a sci-fi movie, Apple has taken it upon themselves to create the lenses. The purpose of the contact lenses will however not be designed to improve eyesight. Their function will instead be ‘invisible computing.’

This means the lenses would offer an overlay of digital information onto the real world – people would be able to visit online websites and check information through these contact lenses. MacRumours obtained new research notes by Apple that outlined the upcoming plans. The technology is being anticipated for release in 2030 and will probably have to be linked to iPhones for power and storage.


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Julius Caesar rework compared to Chris Fearne

Mar 9 2021 Share

A Maltese web developer shared a rendering of Gaius Julius Caesar on Twitter, comparing the face to that of Health Minister Chris Fearne’s. The work emerged on a history account called Oktem on Twitter, and the Health Minister promptly shared it.

Fearne evidently agreed with the liking and humoured it, exlaiming; ‘Haha…tajba!!’. And looking at the portrait of the Roman Emperor’s face, we can see why!
