On Thursday night , the famous HMV (His Master’s Voice) sign, was taken down for restoration after 60 years of it hanging in the streets of our capital city of Valletta on top of D’Amato Records.
According to Anthony D’Amato, co-owner of the store, it is believed to being the oldest HMV sign in the world. It is located outside of the store that claims itself as the oldest record store in the world and has been there since the early 1960s
This sign was damaged during the night by a crane that was being used for construction work on the opposite side of the street. The D’Amato records Instagram page posted about the new sign that will be restored by PrevArti Co. Lt, once the sign is restored, it will be moved into the store in order to stay in one piece.
They will then replicate this restored sign and put up the replication outside to avoid damage done to the original once again.