Labour MEP Cyrus Engerer has been nominated as the negotiator for the Progressive Alliance for Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament. He will be taking on two key derogations relating to the importation and sale of British medicinals in Malta, Ireland and Cyprus.
The derogations are crucial for Malta since pharmaceuticals produced in the UK can no longer be imported and sold in the European Union following the end of the transition period after Brexit.

Engerer will be engaging in the derogations which will guarantee for a longer temporary period which Malta, and the two other nations, can use not to suffer from a shortage of medicines. Malta, Ireland and Cyprus have been historically reliant on the supply of medicines produced in the UK.
Engerer said that he has stressed time and time again that each and every citizen must be able to access the medicines they know, are used to and trust at an affordable price. ‘Therefore, we cannot let our citizens bear the brunt of the consequences of Brexit’ he said.
‘We are a part of this European Union, and like any other Member State, we have the right to access affordable medicines whenever the need arises’ continued Engerer, pledging to continue woking directly with his counterparts in the other political groups to find a suitable compromise.