Football superstar Cristiano Ronaldo has, for the first time ever, topped the Instagram rich list as he can now charge up to £1.2million per post. With 303M followers and £1.16M per sponsored post, the Juventus player has topped the likes of Dwayne The Rock Johnson who stands at £1.1M per sponsored post. According to social media marketing firm Hopper HQ, Ronaldo can charge advertisers $1.6m – around £1.2million – for a post on his Instagram account.
With social media averts with Clear, LiveScore and Insparya (but definitely not Coca-Cola), Ronaldo managed to top The Rock, who is followed by Ariana Grande, Kylie Jenner and Selena Gomez. The other football star on the list is Lionel Messi in 7th place, behind Kim Kardashian and before Beyonce. Justin Bieber and Kendal Jenner close off the list in 9th and 10th place.
Photo Source: CNN International, Times of India