COVID-19 survives five times longer on skin than flu

Oct 18 2020 Share

A study conducted by Japanese researchers has revealed that that the COVID-19 virus remains active on our skin for up to nine hours.

The study, intended to highlight the importance of hand-washing, compares the nine-hour survival rate to the pathogen causing the flu, which survives for up to 1.8 hours. This, in turn, may cause an increase in the risk of transmission and may potentially accelerate the pandemic.

On the other hand, both the COVID-19 virus as well as the flu are deactivated within 15 seconds following the application of ethanol, the same chemical used in hand sanitisers.


Germany adds Malta to list of high-risk regions

Oct 18 2020 Share

Anyone travelling from Malta to Germany will have to quarantine following Germany’s addition of Malta to its list of high-risk COVID-19 regions, making Malta one of Germany’s 15 high-risk territories.

The list is updated on a week-to-week basis and includes continental France, regions of Ireland, regions of Italy, Netherlands in its entirety as well as parts of the UK, amongst others.

The country’s assessment of another country’s risk is said to be based on infection numbers, tests, validity of measures and the type of outbreak.


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UPE directives may escalate in the coming days

Oct 18 2020 Share

Following recent developments and discussions, The Union of Professional Education stated that it is currently working on a strike directive due to the government’s inaction in its efforts against the spread of COVID-19.

The Union had previously express its overwhelmed state as a result of the pandemic and has requested un urgent meeting with the Government by Monday 19th October.

If said meeting does not take place, the Union will issue the aforementioned directive and entertain the idea of beginning a strike.


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MUT calls for closure of schools following report of 204 cases

Oct 17 2020 Share

Following this afternoon’s report of an astounding 204 cases over the past 24 hours, the Malta Union of teachers took to Facebook to call for the closure of schools, or discussion of closure protocol at the very least.

The Union states its concern towards the drastically-increasing number of active cases and the worrying transmission amongst communities, which calls for closure of academic institutions.

They also called to question the uniformity of approach with regards to state and non-state schools.
