India’s COVID-19 linked death toll surpasses the 400,000 mark as the country attempts to ramp up its vaccine rollout programme. The third country behind the US and Brazil to record 400,000 deaths, the country has recorded 30 million cases. This is second only to the US. Average daily cases in India has fallen to over 40,000 in recent days, following peaks of 400,000 last May. Despite the strict lockdown by states contributing to the significant drop, a third wave is being predicted.
Less than 5% of the country’s population has been fully vaccinated since the beginning of the push last January. The plans by the government to vaccinate all of India by the end of the year have been met with resistance due to a slow pace, shortage of doses and vaccine hesitancy. Using two homegrown vaccines, Covishield and Covaxin, the government is racing to increase its supplies following the deadly second wave which greatly overwhelmed the medical system.

Photo Source: Bloomberg.com