Netflix is set to release a live-action adaptation of “Avatar: The Last Airbender,” aiming to rectify the disappointment caused by M. Night Shyamalan’s 2010 film adaptation.
The 2005 Nickelodeon classic, beloved by fans, faced criticism for the film’s perceived failure in doing justice to the animated series. The upcoming Netflix series plans to tell the same story without the constraints of a film.
Set in a war-torn, Asian, and Arctic-inspired world where people can manipulate classical elements, the show follows Aang, the last living Airbender and the Avatar responsible for maintaining balance.
With companions Katara and Sokka, Aang sets out to master the elements and thwart the militaristic Fire Nation’s ambitions.
The cast includes Paul Sun-Hyung Lee, Daniel Dae Kim, Tamlyn Tomita, Ken Leung, Elizabeth Yu, Ian Ousley, and Gordon Cormier. Fans express optimism on social media, with many praising the trailer and expressing excitement for a faithful adaptation.
The series is scheduled to premiere on Netflix on February 22, 2024.