Corradino correctional officer’s car set on fire

Jan 25 2021 Share

A Corradino Correctional Facility warder’s car was set on fire overnight in Qormi.

The General Worker’s Union’s Disciplined Forces, Security and Law Enforcement Officers section took to Facebook to express solidarity with the official in question and his relatives.

Ghadna kif gejna infurmati li matul il-lejl li ghadda sfat mahruqa vettura ta' Ufficjal Korrettiv fil-lokalita' ta' Hal…

Posted by GWU – Disciplined Forces, Security & Law Enforcement Officers Section on Sunday, 24 January 2021

The car was sat ablaze overnight in Qormi.


“Malta is the EU Champion” Chris Fearne addresses Politico praise and arrival of AstraZeneca vaccine

Jan 25 2021 Share

“So far, Malta is the EU champion..” News organisation Politico’s statement of Malta’s vaccination process shook the nation on Monday morning with Health Minister and Deputy Prime Minister Chris Fearne sharply addressing the statement on social media.

Malta currently leads the charge on EU vaccination targets and it may meet the European Commission’s target on time if daily doses are doubled, where the Commission wants 70% of EU adults to be inoculated by summer.

Meanwhile, Dr. Fearne expressed his anticipation of the European Medicines Authority’s approval and arrival of the AstraZeneca vaccine, following the pharmaceutical company’s announcement of cutting back EU deliveries.


Malta daily Facebook 970x90
Malta daily Facebook 300x250

15-year-old girl found exactly one month after she goes missing

Jan 25 2021 Share

15-year-old Luana Borg has been found safe and sound after being reported missing exactly one month ago, on Christmas Day.

The Malta Police Force announced the aforementioned and went on to thank the public for its contribution in finding Luana.

Malta daily Facebook 970x90

This was not the first instance in which the 15-year-old was reported missing, with the Police reporting that the girl was wearing a burka the last time she went missing so as to not be recognised.


Malta ‘one of the least strict countries’ in EU for COVID-19 measures

Jan 25 2021 Share

In an index published by the University of Oxford, it was reported that Malta is one of the least strict countries in the European Union when it comes to COVID-19 mitigation measures.

The index highlights international governmental efforts with regards to controlling the pandemics and considers measures such as curfews, lockdowns and others with Malta scoring a 52.78 based on information gathered up until January 11.

For comparison, Italy registered an 80.56 score, Germany and Ireland 85.19 and Finland 52.31 with the researchers noting that a high score does not mean that a country has been more effective in the imposition of its measures.
