
Cooperation agreement “shall open doors to exciting and envious opportunities” for students and graduates in tech industry

Cooperation agreement "shall open doors to exciting and envious opportunities" for students and graduates in tech industry
Apr 23 2021 Share

Minister for the Economy and Industry Silvio Schembri presided over the signing of a cooperation agreement between Tech.Mt, the University of Malta and 8 Italian Universities renowned in the field of Computer Studies and technology.

The participating Italian Universities ranking among the top 20 Universities and will work closely together with Tech.Mt and the University of Malta by bridging the gap between Malta and Italy through placements and internships, contributing to the countries’ respective digital economies and giving a platform to students to develop their academic wealth int this sector.

Dawk l-istudenti li qegħdin jew jixtiequ jistudjaw it-teknoloġija🤳illum infetħulhom bibien ġodda ta’ iżjed edukazzjoni,…

Posted by Silvio Schembri on Friday, 23 April 2021

‘All in all from an educational perspective, research which may vary from the field of robotics and biotech or machine learning data science , bio informatics amongst others  is further strengthened for Maltese researchers when applying for European funds with the backing of the University of Malta and these universities. Moreover, For instance, if a Maltese student would like to specialise in an area which in our case is limited such as space. Through this agreement that student is given the opportunity to pursue the studies or academic experience within a reputable overseas university’ explained Minister Schembri.

Minister for the Economy and Industry Silvio Schembri presides over the signing of Cooperation Agreement in Technology Innovation between Tech.Mt, University of Malta and 8 Italian Universities

Minister for the Economy and Industry Silvio Schembri presides over the signing of Cooperation Agreement in Technology Innovation between Tech.Mt, University of Malta and 8 Italian Universities

Posted by Silvio Schembri on Friday, 23 April 2021


This luxurious 10-day mystery cruise is going viral and here’s why

Apr 23 2021 Share

Most of us love the thrill of planning a holiday but few enjoy the hassle of planning locations, budgeting and every single issue that comes with organising a holiday, but Uniworld’s mystery cruise throws everything out of the window.

The cruise gives absolutely no details regarding destinations, accommodation and packing details, only notifying the public that it is a 10-day trip and will depart on 12 June 2022, with guests being given a number of clues building up to the event.

Uniworld Present and CEO Ellen Bettridge highlighted that the trip will be luxurious and all-inclusive, calling the trip a ‘thank you’ to those who supported the company and put their faith and loyalty into it.


Mask-wearing measures to re-assessed when majority is vaccinated – Prof. Gauci

Apr 23 2021 Share

During today’s COVID-19 update streamed on saħħa, Superintendent for Public Health Charmaine Gauci revealed that Malta’s mask-wearing protocol will be re-assessed once the majority of the population is vaccinated.

Professor Gauci revealed that Malta’s Health Authorities are currently monitoring what is going on in Israel, where the government has removed mandatory mask-wearing after most of the country was inoculated.

She went on to reiterate the ECDC’s sentiments that masks are to be worn in public spaces and gatherings until the country reaches herd immunity and measures will be reconsidered once the majority is vaccinated.


Robert & Lydia Abela apply for vaccine and encourage Maltese citizens to follow

Apr 23 2021 Share

Earlier today, Prime Minister Dr. Robert Abela took to social media to announce that he and his wife Dr. Lydia Abela have registered to get their COVID-19 vaccine.

This comes after the health authorities officially opened vaccine registration for citizens over 40, with the Prime Minister encouraging the those eligible to apply.

Jien u Lydia Abela għadna kemm irreġistrajna għall-vaċċin kontra l-COVID-19 hekk kif mil-lum jistgħu jibdew japplikaw…

Posted by Robert Abela on Friday, 23 April 2021

Dr. Abela concluded his social media post with an encouraging phrase that a vaccinated nation is strong nation, hoping to instil courage in the Maltese population as we continue to increase in vaccine numbers.
