
Controversy at St. Venera Primary After Entire Leadership Team Transferred

Controversy at St. Venera Primary After Entire Leadership Team Transferred
Sep 24 2023 Share

Only a few days away from the start of the scholastic year, staff, parents and stakeholders at the Saint Theresa College Saint Venera Primary School are off to a rocky start following the deployment of the school’s entire Senior Leadership Team (SLT).

The decision to allocate the educators to alternative schools follows allegations of “bullying and mobbing”, with the Ministry for Education issuing a statement on Friday stating that, after analysis of a report submitted by an independent board, the Ministry took action, including immediate changes, to ensure the wellbeing of students and educators in order to “start the academic year with a sense of serenity and harmony”.

The Union of Professional Educators (UPE) has since communicated its position on the matter, including claims of scandal and inaction, with their latest social media post met with a barrage of comments praising the school’s head and expressing their dismay with the UPE’s actions and resulting decisions.

Earlier today, MP and PN spokesperson for Education Justin Schembri that the decision to remove the school’s entire administration, a head and 5 assistant heads, two days before the start of the scholastic year is absolutely irresponsible, as was the “lack of action or assistance to avoid to ordeal that happened yesterday” from the part of the Education Department.

Meanwhile, members of the Saint Theresa College Primary staff have sent out an open letter, claiming that the allegations and articles relating to the school head in question are false, highlighting that they covered only one side of the story. “The head of school and other SLT members were not the only one’s to suffer abuse from this teacher through her actions and behaviour. The class children also fell victim to such behaviour,” the statement read.

Ftit tal-jiem ilu fuq il-midja soċjali telgħu ħafna artikli u allegazzjonijiet fil-konfront tal-iskola, l-kap tagħna u wħud mill-membri tal-SLT.  Il-verita’ hija li dawn l-allegazzjonijet huma kollha foloz u dan jixhduh il-provi konkreti li hemm, kif ukoll in-numru kbir ta’ kummenti u reazzjonijiet f’dawn l-aħħar jiem hekk kif ġew ikkomunikati t-transfers.  
B’dispjaċir ninnutaw li l-allegazzjonijiet u artikli li ttellgħu semmgħu biss verżjoni waħda tal-istorja u dan wassal biex intefa’ tajn fuq il-kap tal-iskola u wħud membri tal-SLT.  Il-kap tal-iskola u wħud mill-membri tal-SLT ma kinux l-uniċi li sofrew abbuż min-naħa tal-għalliema permezz tal-azzjonijiet u l-aġir tagħha.  It-tfal fil-klassi wkoll sfaw vittmi ta’ dan l-aġir.
Diversi membri tal-istaff kienu ilhom sena sħiħa jikkumbattu ma’ din l-għalliema. U dan qed jixhduh pubblikament il-ġenituri stess.  Fil-fatt ilhom minn Jannar jintbagħtu ittri u jintalbu laqgħat ma’ diversi nies fid-Dipartiment biex jittieħdu passi fuq din il-problema – dan sar kemm mill-membri tal-istaff kif ukoll mill-ġenituri.  Għalhekk għażilna li nieħdu dan il-pass biex kulħadd ikun jaf il-verita’.
Nixtiequ nagħmluha ċara li aħna nilqgħu b’idejna miftuħin lill-membri l-ġodda tal-amministrazzjoni, għax dawn wara kollox ġejjin biex jaqdu dmirhom. Ser ngħożżu l-memorji, l-esperjenzi u t-tagħlim li għaddejna minnhom f’dawn l-aħħar ħames snin.

While stating that they will welcome the new administration members with open arms, members of the Saint Theresa Primary staff took the decision to shed light on the issues experienced over the past months.

What do you make of this?


Eddie Fresco Launches Music Video for Alternative Track ‘Mess!’

Eddie Fresco Launches Music Video for Alternative Track 'Mess!'
Sep 24 2023 Share

Eddie Fresco, the local rapper known for breaking boundaries and challenging musical norms, has just dropped the music video for his latest track, ‘Mess!’ The release marks a significant departure from his previous works, offering listeners a glimpse into his brand new sound.


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‘Mess!’ is the rapper’s exploration into the world of alternative music, featuring an upbeat instrumental coupled with catchy riffs that are bound to get stuck in your head. This track heralds a new chapter in Eddie Fresco’s musical journey, showcasing his versatility and willingness to push the boundaries of his artistry.

The accompanying music video for ‘Mess!’ is directed and edited by Kasualboi, and features model Odeta Paumerova.

Eddie Fresco, currently residing in Prague, gearing up for the release of his highly anticipated upcoming album ‘Days In the Sun, Nights In the Rain (Part 1)’ which is dropping on September 29th . ‘Mess!’ is the first taste of what’s to come, leaving fans and music enthusiasts eagerly awaiting what promises to be a groundbreaking musical project.


Maltese Influencers and Personalities Shine at Milan Fashion Week Alongside Charles & Ron

Maltese Influencers and Personalities Shine at Milan Fashion Week Alongside Charles & Ron
Sep 24 2023 Share

Milan Fashion Week witnessed a convergence of Maltese influencers, personalities, and fashion enthusiasts as they flocked to the iconic Palazzo Serbelloni to witness yet another historic moment in fashion.

This time, the spotlight was on the talented local designers Charles & Ron as they unveiled their much-anticipated Spring/Summer ’24 collection, aptly named “A Language of Love.”


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The presence of these Maltese influencers and fashion aficionados added an extra layer of glamour and excitement to the already star-studded event. Wearing Charles & Ron creations from head to toe, they not only showed their support for the designers but also made a bold fashion statement themselves.

Charles & Ron’s Spring/Summer ’24 collection is a masterful blend of passion, nostalgia, and the artistry of handwritten letters. Inspired by their late friend Katia Saunders, the collection pays homage to the era when handwritten letters were the embodiment of love and connection.


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Each piece in Charles & Ron’s collection tells a unique story, and it was clear that these Maltese influencers and personalities resonated deeply with the sentiment behind “A Language of Love.”


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A Language of Love: Charles & Ron Unveil Their Spring/Summer ’24 Collection at Milan Fashion Week

A Language of Love: Charles & Ron Unveil Their Spring/Summer '24 Collection at Milan Fashion Week
Sep 24 2023 Share

Local designers Charles & Ron, renowned for their exquisite fashion creations, have graced the Milan Fashion Week with their unparalleled talent, unveiling their much-anticipated Spring/Summer ’24 collection.

Aptly named “A Language of Love,” this collection weaves a story of passion, nostalgia, and the beauty of handwritten letters, all while reflecting the essence of Malta.

With a backdrop as magnificent as the Palazzo Serbelloni, nestled in the heart of Milan, just a short 15-minute stroll from the iconic Duomo di Milano, the stage was set for a fashion spectacle that would capture the hearts of fashion enthusiasts worldwide.

Charles & Ron have masterfully translated the Maltese essence into a striking colour palette divided into three distinct groups.

The first group draws inspiration from the lush Mediterranean citrus groves, showcasing vivid green and yellow shades reminiscent of sun-kissed fruits. The second group takes a more monochromatic approach, featuring a timeless black and white theme. The final colour group is a warm and inviting palette inspired by the hues of a Mediterranean sunset.

Charles & Ron have always found inspiration in their beloved Malta, but for this collection, their muse was much more personal. The designers revealed that their creative spark came from the letters they used to receive from their dear late friend, Katia Saunders. These heartfelt handwritten letters were filled with love, passion, and the kind of genuine emotion that has become rare in today’s digital age. In a world dominated by emails and text messages, the designers wanted to transport people back to a time when handwritten letters were the language of love.

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As models graced the runway in the Palazzo Serbelloni, they embodied the very essence of Charles & Ron’s inspiration, each look telling a unique story of love, connection, and the art of the written word. Fashion enthusiasts and industry insiders gathered to witness the magic of “A Language of Love” by Charles & Ron.
