
Clean Malta Urges For More Care Following Kordin Roundabout Damage

Clean Malta Urges For More Care Following Kordin Roundabout Damage
Apr 28 2024 Share

In response to the recent damage to the Kordin roundabout, authorities are emphasizing the need for collective action and responsibility to safeguard Malta’s public spaces. The incident, attributed to either accidents or negligence, highlights the importance of community collaboration in maintaining environmental integrity.

Local officials stress the significance of everyone’s involvement in addressing such issues, urging citizens to actively participate in finding solutions rather than assigning blame.

“The well-being of our country and its surroundings depends on our collective efforts,” said a spokesperson from the environmental department.

In a bid to tackle the problem effectively, authorities have launched a campaign encouraging citizens to communicate directly through the CLEAN and UPKEEP app or by contacting the Customer Care Unit. The app allows users to report concerns, providing pin location details for quick resolution.

“We want to encourage everyone to be proactive in preserving the beauty and safety of Malta,” the spokesperson added.

The initiative underscores the importance of a united front in ensuring a cleaner and safer environment for all residents. To learn more about the campaign and how to get involved, visit cleanandupkeep.gov.mt or call the Customer Care Unit at 1718.


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Citizens and Moviment Graffiti Launch Il-Bankini taċ-Ċittadini Campaign Against Commercial Takeover

Citizens and Moviment Graffiti Launch Il-Bankini taċ-Ċittadini Campaign Against Commercial Takeover
Apr 28 2024 Share

In a unified stance against the encroachment of public spaces by commercial interests, activists from various groups joined forces yesterday to launch the Il-Bankini taċ-Ċittadini campaign. The collaboration included Moviment Graffiti , FAA, and several residents’ associations such as the Sliema Residents Association, Valletta Residents, Marsascala Residents Network, Mellieħa Residents, San Pawl il-Baħar Residents, and Azzjoni Tuna Artna Lura – Kottonera.

During the press conference held to inaugurate the campaign, residents and activists highlighted the significant challenges faced in numerous localities across Malta and Gozo due to the unchecked spread of commercial ventures onto public land. They emphasized the urgent need for action to safeguard the interests of common citizens against the dominance of private interests, which are rapidly consuming open spaces.

The root of the issue, as voiced by the coalition, lies in the failure of authorities, particularly the Planning Authority, the Lands Authority, and the Malta Tourism Authority, to prioritize public well-being over business interests. They accused these bodies of facilitating abuse rather than upholding the law.

Presenting a comprehensive policy document during the conference, activists and residents outlined a series of demands and proposals aimed at addressing the situation. These demands include:

  1. Review of Legislation: The current policy on Outside Development Zones (OCAs) needs to be revised, strengthened, and enforced to prevent further encroachments.
  2. Release of Information: There must be transparency in the process of granting permits, particularly by the Lands Authority, to ensure accountability.
  3. Right of Action: Introduce a right of action, allowing any person to sue for the revocation of encroachments granted if permit conditions are breached.

The coalition stressed that failure to address these demands would only escalate their efforts, with more residents coming together to assert their rights.

This collective action reflects growing frustration among citizens who feel marginalized by the unchecked expansion of commercial interests into public spaces. It underscores the pressing need for authorities to prioritize the well-being of residents and the preservation of communal areas over unchecked development.

Speaking at the conference, representatives reiterated their determination to fight for their rights, signaling that they would not back down until their demands are met. The Il-Bankini taċ-Ċittadini campaign marks a significant step towards reclaiming public spaces for the benefit of all citizens.

Over €2.2 Million Raised During The Marathon For The Malta Trust Foundation.

Over €2.2 Million Raised During The Marathon For The Malta Trust Foundation.
Apr 28 2024 Share

The Malta Trust Foundation has once again demonstrated its commitment to helping children and young people facing difficulties through its recent fundraising marathon, “For the children… all all all all”. Founded in 2015 by President Emeritus Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca, the Foundation aims to alleviate poverty and social exclusion among Malta’s youth.

The marathon, which aired on all channels until midnight, successfully raised €2,254,769 thanks to the generous contributions of the Maltese people. President Emeritus Coleiro Preca expressed her gratitude to everyone who supported the cause, emphasizing the importance of collective efforts in making a positive impact on children’s lives.

Archbishop Charles Scicluna also joined the initiative, offering his support by answering phones and providing encouragement to those facing challenging times. With the funds raised, the Malta Trust Foundation will continue its mission of helping children in need, ensuring they have access to the resources necessary for a better quality of life.

Among the Foundation’s initiatives is the provision of assistive devices for children with visual impairments or on the autism spectrum who struggle with communication. This ongoing effort reflects the Foundation’s dedication to inclusivity and support for children of all backgrounds.

President Emeritus Coleiro Preca affirmed that the Foundation’s work will persist, with a focus on expanding assistance to even more children who require help and support. Through the collective efforts of donors, volunteers, and supporters, the Malta Trust Foundation is making a tangible difference in the lives of Malta’s youth, offering hope and opportunity for a brighter future.


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British Man Tests First Personalised Melanoma Vaccine

British Man Tests First Personalised Melanoma Vaccine
Apr 28 2024 Share

An important trial of the world’s first “personalised” mRNA vaccine against the deadliest form of skin cancer – melanoma – is now underway in the UK. Steve Young, 52, from Stevenage, Herts, who had a melanoma growth cut out of his scalp last August, is one of the first patients to try the shot. It is designed to help his immune system recognize and wipe out any remaining cancerous cells, potentially preventing the return of his cancer.

The combined treatment, made by Moderna and Merck Sharp and Dohme (MSD), is not yet available routinely on the NHS, outside of clinical trials. However, experts in some other countries, including Australia, are also trying it on patients to gather more evidence and see whether it should be rolled out more widely.

The vaccine is personalized – meaning the make-up of it is changed to suit the individual patient. It is created to match the unique genetic signature of the patient’s own tumor and works by instructing the body to make proteins or antibodies that attack markers or antigens found only on those cancer cells.

UCLH investigator Dr. Heather Shaw said the jab had the potential to cure people with melanoma and was being tested on other cancers – lung, bladder, and kidney tumors. “This is one of the most exciting things we’ve seen in a really long time,” she said. “It is absolutely custom-built for the patient – you couldn’t give this to the next patient in the line because you wouldn’t expect it to work. It’s truly personalized. These things are hugely technical and finely generated for the patient.”

The significance of this trial cannot be overstated. Melanoma, the deadliest form of skin cancer, has long presented challenges in treatment due to its aggressive nature and tendency to spread quickly. Traditional therapies like surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation have limitations, often leaving patients with few options. The personalized mRNA vaccine offers a new ray of hope, targeting the specific genetic makeup of each patient’s tumor and activating the immune system to fight against it.

While still in its experimental stages, the implications of this technology extend beyond melanoma. The prospect of personalized vaccines tailored to individual patients opens up possibilities for treating other types of cancer as well. Lung, bladder, and kidney tumors are just a few examples of cancers being targeted for potential breakthroughs.

As research continues and clinical trials progress, the hope is that this groundbreaking approach will become a standard part of cancer treatment, offering new hope to patients and families affected by this devastating disease. The journey toward personalized medicine is undoubtedly complex, but the potential to transform outcomes for cancer patients is within reach.
