Taking to social media, local personality Claire Agius Ordway posted an encouraging testimony to motivate those who might feel on the fence about pursuing fitness gals to go ahead and do so.
Agius Ordway shared two photos taken 10 years apart from when she was 37 and 47 years old. ‘Went to search in my photos after a good conversation I had.’
‘I did this to remember where it started and when fitness was a nightmare for me. […] Do not get discouraged by the cool workout posts or people lifting all sweaty and muscly 9me included).’
She went on to highlight how that is not the hard part. In reality, she stated, it’s the showing up to a gym intimidated and feeling doubt if it’s just another wasted membership.
‘The hardest part is getting used to getting it into your system; getting used to the sore muscles; doubting if you are making all this sacrifice in vain.’
‘Asking yourself why you hate this so much when everyone seems to be having the time of their lives sweating their heart out’. She urged people to find a trainer who can help. ‘Then your mindset will change I promise’.
‘It will not be easy, nothing in life is. Just think of what you want your life to be in 10 years’ time. Start now. Time will pass anyway. You are not too young. You are not too old. Go for it!’