
Civil Protection And AFM Aid To Libya

Civil Protection And AFM Aid To Libya
Sep 13 2023 Share

The Armed Forces of Malta and the Civil Protection Department will be joining forces to lend help to Libya after the country was struck by massive flooding due to Storm Daniel. 

Malta will be sending a contingent of 73 officers and officials to help in the search and rescue operations going on in the country, whilst also offering any other needed support they may need. 

The team will consist of 12 Armed Forces of Malta official, including a medical team, as well as 31 members of the Civil Protection Department. 

The Maltese contingent will have left our country in recent hours via an AFM vessel, P61, which includes another 30 soldiers. 

Minister for Home Affairs, Security, Reforms and Equality Byron Camilleri explained how this is the third time in recent months wherein Malta is offering foreign aid to another country. 


Healing Hedgehogs: Two Rescues Respond Well To Treatment

Healing Hedgehogs: Two Rescues Respond Well To Treatment
Sep 13 2023 Share

Wildlife Rescue Team Malta posted an update on the healing of the hedgehogs rescued earlier this month. 

Unfortunately, one of the hedgehogs in the previous post did not make it after having succumbed to its injuries. Thankfully, the other two are responding well to treatment. 

The first one has started to heal in such a way that the face is now visible, with its eye spared. The hedgehog now needs monitoring to make sure that no secondary infection sets in.

As for the third hedgehog, named Tufty, she is currently responding to treatment by losing the areas of infection and hence losing all her spines. This usually happens after the first cycle of treatment, but her skin has now healed. 

‘Hopefully, the new spines wills tart growing back soon’, wrote the NGO. 

All the animals rescued are protected species, and it is illegal to keep them as pets. 

Our volunteers have wildlife handling permits and training as well as equipment in order to rescue these creatures. If you spot any of the wild animals that we rescue injured or in danger, please call the Wildlife Rescue Team on 99999505. 


Freedom The Turtle Released Back Into The Sea

Freedom The Turtle Released Back Into The Sea
Sep 13 2023 Share

Wildlife Rescue Team Malta held another turtle releasing, this time for a young loggerhead named Freedom. 

Freedom was released after 14 months of rehabilitation after having been hit by a boat on her plastron. Named by her rescuer, professor Adriana Vella, Freedom’s healing of her plastron took a number of months to heal due to the severity of her injuries. 

The rescue team urged all boat owners to drive carefully, given that 2022/2023 was a record year for turtles injured by boat hits. 

‘Our volunteers have wildlife handling permits and training as well as equipment in order to rescue these creatures. If you spot any of the wild animals that we rescue injured or in danger, please call the Wildlife Rescue Team on 99999505.’ 

The animals are a protected species and it is illegal to keep them as pets. 


Sex Education Season 4 Final Trailer Released

Sex Education Season 4 Final Trailer Released
Sep 12 2023 Share

It’s finally here – the official trailer for the final season of Sex Education. 

The series finale has been ramping up hype as it sets the stage for the tear-jerking and emotional roller-coaster of a finale. 

Malta daily Facebook 970x90

As the characters we’ve grown to love over the past seasons, including Otis, Maeve and Eric, continue to explore their young adult lives, the story promises to tie off all the remaining plot points before the curtain call. 

‘Get your tissues ready, let’s finish together’, the official description of the series states. And ignoring the euphemistic aspect of the description, we’re sure this finale will have all the fans of the series bawling their eyes out. 

Will you be watching?
