
Chemotherapy and hospital helipad promised to Gozitans by PN

Chemotherapy and hospital helipad promised to Gozitans by PN
Sep 6 2021 Share

The Nationalist Party has emphasised the fact that chemotherapy patients should not have to cross over to Malta to receive their treatment if they live in Gozo. In a pledge to make this service available, the opposition have also proposed to make MRI scans available on Malta’s sister island. These join other proposals made by the PN’s health-related pledge  for Gozo. 

These include a new 400-bed hospital for Gozo and even helipads to provide proper medical helicopter service linking the islands’ medical centres. PN electoral candidate and nurse Josephine Xuereb said that Gozitans diagnosed with cancer were currently forced to cross over to Malta around twice a week for chemotherapy. 

This is a big burden for the patients due to their weakened immune systems. Xuereb said that the Opposition Party is committed to doing away with the unnecessary suffering if elected to government. PN MP Chris Said, serving as the party’s spokesperson for Gozo, said that Gozirans deserve no less. 

An airline would also help the medical situation between the two islands. Mater Dei has its own helipad which is used as a car park for staff members. It is due to be destroyed to make way for a new outpatient’s block approved earlier this year. Gozo General Hospital has its own helicopter ambulance but no helipad of its own. One in Xewikja is used instead. This is totally unsuited for medical emergencies, Agius argued. 


Photo Source: Aquatechnik, Chris Said FB

Italy make history as they break unbeaten record

Sep 6 2021 Share

Yesterday, the Italian football national team broke Spain and Brazil’s record for the longest unbeaten run for a national team. Italy have now gone 36 games in a row without a defeat. Their last defeat was all the way back in September 2018, when they lost to Cristiano Ronaldo’s Portugal.


The record was broken when Italy managed to draw against fellow Euro’s team Switzerland. This wasn’t the best performance from Italy, nor was the result. Players like Berrardi and Immobile were singled out as being disappointing, whilst Jorginho’s penalty miss didn’t help either. Even though it wasn’t the best of performances from the Azzuri, they managed to get the job done and write themselves into the history books.


Pizza could make better breakfast than sugary cereal says nutritionist

Pizza could make better breakfast than sugary cereal says nutritionist
Sep 6 2021 Share

It turns out that eating pizza exactly after rolling out of bed in the morning might not be that bad for you compared to other options. Of course, a slice of pizza won’t be better than low-sugar cereals, but if you’re stuffing your face with colourful sugar-coated cereals, switching to Margherita might be way better. This research comes from New York City Nutritionist Chelsey Amer, who recommends a slice of left-over pizza instead of the usual Coco Pops bowl. 

Amer stated that a slice of pizza contains a more balanced pick of carbs, protein and fat. On the other hand, a bowl of sugary cereal with milk is immensely carb-heavy and mostly just sugar. Dr Lauren Kelly checked these claims by saying that its not that pizza is the best breakfast option. Rather, it is to highlight that cereal has poor nutritional value, despite people eating it all the time. She also pointed out how shocking it is to realise that pizza is comparable to the food many children are eating every morning for breakfast. If you’re not planning on eating Pizza Hut at 7 am any time soon, this might at least make you reconsider your usual breakfast meals. 


Photo Source: Best Products, Red Tricycle

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Election fever or false hope? PM still mum on November election

Election fever or false hope? PM still mum on November election
Sep 6 2021 Share

According to Nationalist Party news source ‘il-Mument’, Prime Minister Robert Abela might be calling for an election for the 13th or 27th of November. Despite this, Abela is still mum on whether this is the case as the focus seems to be going fully towards the Budget for 2022. The Budget will be presented to the House on the 11th of October, with debates and final approval possibly stretching to around two weeks. The latest the Prime Minister can call an election will be September of next year. 

An early election following the Budget would have to take place in early December but this is not a good strategy for the sole reason that it would disrupt the Christmas shopping period. Given the pandemic, the government would not be too keen on taking this route. The long periods of waiting for the announcement might give the PN and other parties more time to work out their own strategies, but it could also tire out their election energy before the actual event. We’ll have to wait and see…


Photo Source: City of Ottawa, Robert Abela FB