Check out the villa Queen Elizabeth lived in while in Malta

Check out the villa Queen Elizabeth lived in while in Malta
Sep 17 2022 Share

This is Villa Guardamangia, Queen Elizabeth II’s former Maltese residence. The late monarch resided here intermittently between 1949 and 1951, as her husband Prince Philip served as an officer of the Royal Navy. 

At the time, Princess Elizabeth was known to frequently wave him goodbye from the Harbour Fire Command station at Fort St Elmo. 

The villa served as the only permanent residence outside the UK the Queen ever had. The resident was later purchased by the Maltese government and entrusted to Heritage Malta in 2020. 

Representing Malta and Great Britain’s close 200 year relationship, Villa Guardamangia now stands in silence as people lay wreaths and flowers to pay their respects for the late monarch. 


Well-deserved praise for Cleansing and Maintenance Division’s 24/7 work

Well-deserved praise for Cleansing and Maintenance Division’s 24/7 work
Sep 17 2022 Share

The Cleansing and Maintenance Division from within the Ministry for Tourism were massively praised for their hard work, given that it rarely gets any recognition. 

A woman by the name of Michela Spiteri took a snapshot of the work being done, which occurs 24/7 all over the island. Spiteri highlighted how the workers are removing gum from the pavements and that it takes around 5 to 10 minutes to remove just one piece. 

This is because the gum sticks itself quite strongly to the pavement, becoming embedded and a dark gooey substance. 

‘Seeing the work like this makes me realise how hard it is.  Next time you thoughtlessly think of throwing your gum or anything on the pavement, think of this’. 

The post was reshaped by Ramon Deguara, Director General with the division. He said that this photo captures only just a fraction of the commitment. 

He said that this work occurs everyday from Monday to Sunday and practically on a 24 hour basis. ‘Making use of all the possible technologies in the industry’, the division is working hard to ‘keep our country clean, tidy and well-kept.’ 


David Beckham joins 13 hour queue to pay respects to Queen Elizabeth II

David Beckham joins 13 hour queue to pay respects to Queen Elizabeth
Sep 17 2022 Share

English football legend David Beckham paid his respects to Queen Elizabeth II on Friday by joining a massive queue alongside members of the public. 

The footballer was spotted at Westminster Hall, where the late monarch’s body was laid to rest in state. He donned a black suit, navy coat and a flat cap. 

The footballer was seen at around 1525hrs on Friday afternoon, which is over 13 hours after he was first spotted in the queue. He confirmed to reporters that he had been waiting in queue for over 12 hours. 


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Beckham was reported in saying that: ‘We all want to be here together. We all want to experience something where we celebrate the amazing life of our Queen.’ 

“You know something like this today is meant to be shared together. We’re eating Pringles. We’re eating Sherbet Lemons, sandwiches and coffee,” the football player continued.

Beckham also noted how lucky he felt to have met the Queen on numerous occasions, highlighting the honour he felt to play for the national English football team. 

Many commended the footballer for joining the crowd to pay his respects instead of using some star privilege to skip to the front. Many took the opportunity to snap photos with him as the mourning period for the late monarch continues. 


Large turnout for Moviment Graffiti vigil in memory of late migrant girl Loujin

Large turnout for Moviment Graffiti vigil in memory of late migrant girl Loujin
Sep 17 2022 Share

Activists from Moviment Graffiti were joined by many local notable faces to honour the memory of the young migrant Loujin Ahmed Nasif, who died of thirst after several days out at at sea.

Among the activists were Xarabank host Peppi Azzopardi, President Emeritus Marie Louise Coleiro Preca, Archbishop Charles Scicluna, former St Albert headmaster Mario Mallia and PN MEP David Casa. 

Loujin was one of 62 people who spent days in distress earlier this month whilst on a boat in Malta’s search and rescue zone. The people on board were later taken to Crete, but Loujin died of dehydration whilst being airlifted to hospital. 

Her alleged last words were, ‘Mum, I’m thirsty’, and was found unconscious during the rescue operation. The tragedy instigated many to speak out about the way asylum seekers are treated, with the Archbishop saying that her death reminded him of Christ’s last words on the Cross. 

Issuing a statement, Moviment Graffiti said that her death is not an ‘aberration’. Over 20,000 people died in the Mediterranean between 2015 and 2021 due to Maltese, EU and member state border practices, the statement pointed out. 

The statement urged the government to put an end to policies which dehumanise the most vulnerable people, to end the denial of asylum or policies which send people back to war zones and detention camps. 


Photo Source: Moviment Graffiti

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