
Charles & Ron to open new Naxxar Cafeteria

Nov 30 2020 Share

Local fashion giants Charles & Ron have created an undeniable prestige around their brand within the world of fashion and it seems like they are looking to branch out. 

What once was Naxxar’s LOFT Café, previously owned by Keith Schembri’s wife, has been stripped of its signage to be replaced with the C&R logo and named ‘Charles & Ron Café’. 

It is unclear as to which direction the café will be taking and whether or not it will include a clothing section, but we can’t wait for the mysterious location to unravel its secrets.


Ex-police officer and woman defraud €230,000 pretending to be private investigators

Nov 30 2020 Share

Ex-police officer Grace Gatt and accomplice Lourdes Castillo have been granted a two-year suspended sentence for four years after being found guilty of defrauding a man for €230,000, pretending to be private investigators.

The case dates back to 2004 when the victim found out about the two woman from a newspaper advertisement and was blackmailed that he would be caught sending messages to an underage girl.

Gatt was terminated from the Police Corps in 2006 but won a European Court Case for Human Rights after it was found that the case was not given adequate and impartial consideration.


Joe Biden breaks foot while playing with dog

Nov 30 2020 Share

POTUS Joe Biden broke his right foot last Saturday while playing with one his dogs. 

His doctors report that, from subsequent CT scan, some hairline fractures towards the centre of his right foot and said that Biden may require a walking boot for the next couple of weeks. 

Despite Biden’s age and various digs at his age during the presidential campaign, the president-elect has been described by medical professionals as healthy and completely capable of exercising his presidential duties.


Mother posts photo graphic photo of son for alleged assault from police for not wearing mask

Nov 30 2020 Share

An upset mother took to Facebook to post a graphic photo of her brutally beaten son after being allegedly assaulted by the Police for not wearing a mask in Paceville.

The mother stated that he was hit on his head and thrown into a van to be badly beaten and went on to ask “is this the law?”


Details of this case to be reported as the story evolves.
