‘Celebrate ALL women’: PN posts rebuttal TikTok praising female politicians from both sides

Jan 23 2021 Share

Following the heated debate created after Parliamentary Secretary Rosianne Cutajar’s TikTok omitting female politicians from the PN side, the Nationalist Party TikTok has posted what seems to be a rebuttal.

The video, published on the party’s @PN_tok account, is titled ‘Celebrate ALL women’ and sheds a light on females from both political sides and beyond.


Both TikTok’s also mention Superintendent for Public Health Prof. Charmaine Gauci and former President of Malta Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca.


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Pfizer to issue 40 million vaccines at no profit for poorer countries

Jan 23 2021 Share

Pharmaceutical giant Pfizer announced on Friday that it will issue 40 million COVID-19 vaccine doses to poor countries at cost price, via global initiative COVAX.

The initiative is a collective of 64 higher-income economies made to ensure vaccine procurement and distribution to lower-income countries who, through COVAX, should receive doses by the first quarter of 2021.

This ground-breaking development remedies WHO director-general Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus’ previous fears of a ‘moral catastrophe’ where richer countries vaccinated without too much difficulty as poorer countries crumbled.


Zayn Malik and Gigi Hadid reveal baby girl’s name!

Jan 22 2021 Share

Zayn Malik and Gigi Hadid have finally revealed their baby girl’s name, four months after her birth.

Fans have been long-awaiting this moment, and her name is…drum-roll…Khai!

Gigi Hadid updated her Instagram profile bio read ‘khai’s mom’.


7,258 people currently in quarantine in Malta

Jan 22 2021 Share

A total of 7,258 people are currently in quarantine in Malta.

During a live Facebook conference, Prof Charmaine Gauci stated that anyone feeling symptoms should at all costs stay at home and get tested.

Following questions from journalists, Prof Gauci said that it’s recommended to get tested on the 5th day of getting exposed.

Prof Gauci also encouraged everyone to download the contact tracing app which has until now been downloaded by 19% of the population. There were 529 people who tested positive and was given a code to enter into the app, letting other users know, to help avoid the spread. 
