
Calls for international facilitation of players following Sliema issue

Feb 3 2021 Share

Following widespread debate on speculation surrounding Sliema player Kurt Shaw’s transfer offer to Austrian Wolfsberger FC, Sliema Wanderers FC stated that the Austrian team ‘neither accepted nor made a counter-offer’ to Sliema’s counter offer proposing a €50,000 loan for loan fee and option to buy fee.

Club Official StatementIn view of the current media speculation surrounding the Kurt Shaw Transfer to Austrian Premier…

Posted by Sliema Wanderers FC on Tuesday, 2 February 2021

Former national player Andre Schembri took to Facebook to criticise Sliema’s decision, calling for the Malta Football Association’s international facilitation of Maltese players.

Ħasra li ħafna mill-klabbs iffixklu minflok jgħinu t-trasferimenti tal-plejers Maltin għal ma’ klabbs barranin….

Posted by André Schembri on Tuesday, 2 February 2021


Inside sources have also noted that players are currently not being paid as the club continues to operate.


AstraZeneca vaccine shown to substantially reduce the spread of COVID-19

Feb 3 2021 Share

Latest studies have shown that the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine could reduce the spread of COVID-19 with British Secretary for Health and Social Care Matt Hancock deeming it “absolutely superb”.

This is the first time a vaccine has shown provision of the possibility to reduce virus transmission and while not yet published, results suggest a ‘substantial effect’ on virus transmission.

These prove as positive results in the continuous battle against the pandemic as previously, people who had been been vaccinated could not indirectly protect others around them.


Eurovision board to focus efforts on socially-distanced 2021 event in Rotterdam

Feb 3 2021 Share

There may be hope yet for Eurovision fans as The European Broadcasting Union, NPO, NOS , AVROTROS & Rotterdam have agreed upon a realistic approach to the event’s 2021 edition, focusing all of their efforts on a socially distanced event in Rotterdam.

The Eurovision Song Contest page revealed that while they will do everything they can so that a May event is plausible, downscaling options are not off the table as the situation is ever-changing.

The European Broadcasting Union – EBU, NPO, NOS, AVROTROS & Rotterdam have agreed a determined, yet realistic approach…

Posted by Eurovision Song Contest on Wednesday, 3 February 2021

What they did say is that Eurovision will ‘definitely make its welcome return this May despite the pandemic’, so one way or another, Eurovision 2021 is happening.


Konrad Mizzi is being interrogated by the Financial Crimes Investigation Department

Feb 3 2021 Share

Former minister Konrad Mizzi is currently being interrogated by the Financial Crimes Investigation Department in St. Venera for reasons which are currently unclear.

Now an independent MP after being formally exiled from the Labour Party following the controversy surrounding Enemalta’s Montenegro wind-farm deal, Mizzi is joined by lawyers Jean-Paul Sammut and Carol Peralta.

More on the story as it develops.
