
Call for prayers as inspirational young athlete Jake Vella admitted to hospital

Call for prayers as inspirational young athlete Jake Vella admitted to hospital
Nov 18 2022 Share

This morning, Malta woke up to shocking news after it was revealed that young Maltese athlete Jake Vella, who has one of the rarest conditions in the world, was admitted to hospital.

Thousands came together to pray for Vella, the inspirational young man who battles the rare condition ROHHAD, which is a syndrome which causes rapid weight gain despite constant exercise and healthy diet.

Jake’s parents have stated that he needs “prayers to fight a new battle” but despite such conditions, he still found it in him to do his part and raise funds & awareness for ‘Cycling with Jack for L-Istrina’ in honor of the late Jack Schiavone.

Good luck Jake – we’re praying for you!


Underground Valletta experience enhanced with audiovisual immersion

Underground Valletta experience enhanced with audiovisual immersion
Nov 17 2022 Share

An immersive audiovisual experience will further enhance visits to Underground Valletta in the coming days.

The experience is the result of a project funded by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs and Trade through its Cultural Diplomacy Fund, and by Heritage Malta.

The project focuses on three aspects that stood out in the life of civilians in Malta and in the allied countries during World War II, namely shelter, famine and resistance. The project’s objective is to unite people from different countries through these shared experiences.

The immersive experience tackles the shelter aspect by showcasing how, during the war, whole communities had to resort to underground areas where they cooked, ate, slept, prayed and even gave birth. One of the roles of Valletta’s underground spaces was, in fact, that of a shelter throughout the war. Residents of the Grand Harbour area were urged to leave their homes and seek refuge with family members living in rural villages, but there were still many people who chose to stay on in the capital and who descended into the spaces now known as Underground Valletta whenever the air raid alarm was sounded.

The Minister for National Heritage, Arts and Local Government Owen Bonnici, the Minister for Foreign and European Affairs and Trade Ian Borg, together with the British High Commissioner for the Republic of Malta H.EKatherine Ward, and the Ambassador of the French Republic to the Republic of Malta H.E. Agnès von der Mühl visited Underground Valletta.

During this visit, Dr. Owen Bonnici, explained how this experience show the continious determination to keep preserving the National Heritage. “This experience is an immersive one and is a clear testimony that one will be able to explore and discover as well as learn, places like these are a very important learning experience for our country,” concluded Dr. Bonnici

“Through this project we are aiming to continue raising awareness about the aspects that stood out during the Second World War which even reflect the times we are presently living in and therefore the importance to fight for more peace and unity. Our country has been entrusted and Malta will be voicing its opinion in the United Nations Security Council from next January. Furthermore, the importance of neutrality which our country embraces, a very important tool through which Malta will continue to offer humanitarian aid and will continue to work in favour of peace in the Mediterranean and in neighbouring regions.”

The audiovisual experience also outlines the Maltese population’s hardships due to a dire shortage of food as the war raged on. Suffice it to say that in October 1942, some 100,000 people depended on the Victory Kitchen for their daily meals.

With regard to the aspect of resistance, visitors of Underground Valletta will see how countries such as Malta resisted enemy occupation on a national, rather than an individual, level. This resistance was acknowledged with the award of the George Cross by King George VI to Malta in April 1942, in appreciation of the people’s sacrifice, loyalty and resilience.

The immersive experience will be included in the normal admission price for Underground Valletta until the end of November. During this period, Underground Valletta will be open every day of the week. Tickets may be purchased from the National Museum of Archaeology or online from here.


Abner needs real help to be freed from devil says River of Love head pastor

Abner needs real help to be freed from devil says River of Love head pastor
Nov 17 2022 Share

Speaking during one of his broadcasted sermons, River of Love head pastor Gordon Manche said that Abner Aquilina requires ‘true help’ to be freed from the devil. 

Manche issued a call to Prime Minister Robert Abela, to whom, Manche said, they regularly pray for along with his family. 

He went on to explain that he would have no issue meeting Abner Aquilina himself and that the church sees many people free themselves from the devil. 


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Manche refers to Aquilina’s own previous statements wherein he stated that he was possessed by the devil as evidence that he needs, what he deemed, ‘serious’ help.

‘I believe that Abner is a puppet of the devil’ said Manche, ‘and I hope he finds someone to help him.’ He also went on to say that he was refused a request to meet with Abner’s family.

In reference to Abner’s connection with the church, he said that he attended once and did so late and left early. Manche said that he never personally met Abner and that the church is being highlighted in the case due to it being in the public eye. 


Minister must shoulder political responsibility says PN

Minister must shoulder political responsibility says PN
Nov 17 2022 Share

The Nationalist Party has called on Transport Minister Aaron Farrugia to shoulder political responsibility after he did not attend the parliamentary questions sessions on Tuesday evening. 

During a press conference addressed by PN Whip Robert Cutajar and Transport spokesperson Adrian Delia, the PN said that it cannot be that we have a minister and parliamentary secretary who do not come into the House of Representatives on purpose to avoid answering questions. 

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The PN representatives explained that Transport Minister Aaron Farrugia was spotted on Tuesday leaving one of the lifts in parliament at 4:20pm despite the fact that he knew that he had to answer Parliamentary Questions for 20 minutes prior. 

Culture Minister Owen Bonnici answered questions on behalf of Farrugia. Due to the government not giving an official explanation and Bonnici saying that Farrugia was on government business, a ruling from the Speaker was requested.

Speaker Anglu Farrugia chastised Farrugia for his shortcomings and called on Ministers to be preset in the House when questions are asked. 
