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Budget ‘ignores tomorrow’, PN leader says

Oct 20 2020 Share

In his first reaction speech broadcasted on Facebook, newly-elected PN Leader Bernard Grech stated that while certain measures were appropriate for the current landscape, the budget as a whole lacks investment in the future.

Grech highlighted the lack of information on the health and tourism sectors whilst also mentioning the inexistent tackling of water and electricity bills in light in light of the recently-exposed Electrogas corruption deal.

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He ultimately stated that the PN would succeed where the current Labour government has failed.


Free internet access for one year to post-secondary students

Oct 19 2020 Share

As part of a national academic strategy, of which the ultimate aim is to gradually reduce early school leavers, the Government will be granting a one year free internet access to post-secondary students whilst also regulating online education with the National Commission for Higher Education.

This post is brought to you in collaboration with PwC Malta.


Further study on underground rail system

Oct 19 2020 Share

Following the first phase of a study on an alternative means of public transport, a further study will be conducted on the introduction of a metropolitan underground light rail system.

This second phase will include, amongst others, detailed geotechnical investigations, seismic studies and a study on the necessary utilities.

Following this study, the Government will be in a position to decide whether the project is viable or not.

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Financial aid for Air Malta

Oct 19 2020 Share

The Government will be applying for State Aid clearance from the European Commission so that it can provide financial assistance to Air Malta’ to help it recover following the financial decline as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

In the coming days, an application for State Aid from the European Commission will be submitted.

This post is brought to you in collaboration with PwC Malta
