Taking to social media, OASI Foundation Assistant Facilitator Ryan Barbara, addressed the social taboos surrounding suicide.
‘When I hear about a case of suicide, I am driven to both tears and anger at the same time’, wrote the NGO facilitator. ‘If we don’t do something, this number will continue to grow and, before you know it, it will be someone close to you or me.’
‘I speak out because I know what it means to be in that moment of darkness, of sadness and loneliness’, he wrote.
Barbara called for various actions we should work towards as a society, including more awareness, normalising seeking help when it comes to mental health, asking why the youth are only finding it as the only solution and investing into mental health education from a young age.
‘Social media platforms should use their influence to raise awareness on suicide, so we can remove this taboo once and for all. We cannot continue being afraid of this phenomenon as this will only increase the number of cases, not decrease it.’
Barbara ended his plea by encouraging anyone reading the post and feeling like they require help to send a message and reach out. ‘Sometimes, all we need is someone who listens without judgement’.
If you, or someone you know, feel like help is required when it comes to mental health and suicidal thoughts, please contact 1579.