Boy falls three-storey height in Mġarr

Nov 3 2020 Share

This afternoon, an 11-year-old boy was hospitalized after he fell from three-storey high in Mġarr. 

The accident occurred in Triq il-Karamelli at about 3.00pm. The boy’s condition isn’t known yet.


Eminem lets Joe Biden use ‘Lose Yourself’ as campaign song

Nov 3 2020 Share

Eminem may have shown who he’s supporting for the upcoming US election as it is confirmed that he allowed Joe Biden to use ‘Lose Yourself’ as one of his campaign songs. 

The slogan ‘one opportunity’ is taken from the Detroit rappers track and placed onto Biden’s voting campaign. 

The video also features a Biden rally in Eminem’s home state, Michigan, and ends with the message ‘Vote’.


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‘You’ Season 3 back in production

Nov 3 2020 Share

Following an abrupt halt in production on Season 3 of Netflix’s ‘You’, works have continued as the series’ official Instagram account published a statement saying ‘S3 is back in production.’

The show will pick up where it left off at the end of season 2, revealing a mystery neighbour which will reportedly have a big role in the third season.

Theories are running rampant about the potential but to save everyone the spoilers, we’ll just wait and see what’s in store.


St. John Malta offering free online first aid courses

Nov 3 2020 Share

In a world of uncertainty brought forward by the COVID-19 pandemic, St John Malta’s Training Branch will be launching a course of ‘specialised training in first aid’, limited to a maximum of 12 participants. 

‘Conflict Resolution – Addressing Divisions of Identity’ is a collaborative project with the Organisation for Identity and Cultural Development and will be start on November 17th. 

Anyone wanting to participate can register at or email
