Bowling 13-year-old signs sponsorship with international corporation

Feb 23 2021 Share

The International Brunswick Youth Team recognised young Maltese rising bowling star Kayden Lagana’s talent and promptly signed a contract with the 13 year old.

Kayden has already been awarded and titled Atlas Youth Athlete of the Month in January 2021, along with having the opportunity to represent Malta Tenpin Bowling Association in Paris in Mediterranean Championships.

Together with the Malta Sports Journalists Association, we're proud to announce that 13-year-old Tenpin Bowler Kayden…

Posted by Atlas Insurance on Saturday, 20 February 2021

Kayden expressed his gratitude for this new contract, yet another milestone in the young athlete’s career towards his dream of studying and playing professionally in the States.


Vince Muscat il-Koħħu sentenced 15 years in prison and €42,000

Feb 23 2021 Share

Vince Muscat, known as il-‘Koħħu’ has been dealt a 15-year prison sentence and €42,000 in court expenses after his admission of his involvement in the assassination of journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia.

His lawyer, Marc Sant, told the court that his client, Muscat, would register an admission to all charges in what has been a ground-breaking day in the Caruana Galizia assassination investigation.


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Suspected Caruana Galizia bomb suppliers arrested after Koħħu confession

Feb 23 2021 Share

The Police have arrested three long-sought gang members in Jamie Vella and Tal-Maksar brothers Adrian and Robert Agius for their suspected involvement in supplying the bomb use for the Daphne Caruana Galizia assassination.

This comes after Vince Muscat ‘il-Koħħu’ pleaded guilty to his involvement in the murder, with the three gang members being rounded up in a police operation.

The police could not arraign the three of them in the coming 48 hours due to one of the gang members having contracted COVID-19.


“LGBTIQ persons are not an ideology” – Cyrus Engerer appointed socialist’s lead negotiator for LGBTIQ bill

Feb 23 2021 Share

“LGBTIQ persons are not an ideology. We are people with fundamental human rights and no one, not even a Member State of the European Union can take our fundamental human rights away from us.”

These were the words of Maltese MEP Cyrus Engerer following his appointment as Socialists and Democrats’ lead negotiator ahead of the EU’s historic LGBTIQ Freedom Zone resolution.

Onorat li l-Grupp tas-Soċjalisti għażilni bħala n-negozjatur ewlieni fuq mozzjoni storika dwar persuni LGBTIQ 🏳️‍🌈Dak…

Posted by Cyrus Engerer on Tuesday, 23 February 2021

This widespread decision came following the outrage surrounding multiple municipalities in countries like Poland and Hungary declaring them LGBTIQ-free zones, discriminating against multiple people.

Engerer went on to state that diversity and protection of human rights are pillars of European values and that is why they should be maintained across each country.
