The UK Prime Minister has sparked some outrage after he said that he does not believe transgender women should be able to compete in female sporting events.
He conceded that he knew many deemed this view controversial, with the resurfacing of the issue taking new charge after the case of transgender cyclist Emily Bridges.
Bridges was recently ruled as ineligible to compete in her first elite women’s race by cycling’s world world governing body. Speaking on several sex and gender related topics, Johnson made the following remark;
‘I don’t think biological males should be competing in female sporting events. Maybe that’s a controversial thing to say, but it just seems to me to be sensible.’
He went on to say that he thinks women should have spaces which are dedicated to them – whether they be hospitals, prisons or changing rooms. ‘That’s as far my thinking has developed on this issue.’
He went on to say that if this position puts him in conflict with some others, then ‘we have got to work it all out.’ Johnson emphasised that this does not mean that he is not sympathetic to people who want to change gender and said it is vital people are given maximum love and support through such decisions.
In response, LGBTQ+ charity Stonewall said that ‘Trans people deserve the same opportunities as everyone else to enjoy the benefits of sport and blanket exclusions on trans people participating are fundamentally unfair.’
‘Sport has the unique power to bring us together and it’s important trans people have the opportunity to enjoy the benefits of sport without facing exclusion or abuse’ it concluded.