
Bjorn Formosa announces next DAR Bjorn fundraiser in September

Bjorn Formosa announces next DAR Bjorn fundraiser in September
Apr 27 2021 Share

Bjorn Formosa has announced that the next fundraising programme ‘926 To Finish’ for the Newer and Bigger DAR Bjorn will be taking place on Sunday 26th of September. The programme will be broadcasted on all major television portals as well as live on social media where anyone can follow and contribute to this great cause.

Along with his team, Bjorn has worked tirelessly to help people with ALS and other neurological conditions through fundraising and the building of homes. The next home will be the second home built for neurological patients in six years. Equipped an indoor pool for therapeutic aid, a chapel and a mini-gym for its patients, the €5.5 million project will provide its patients with a space to live as independently as possible.


#926tofinish – Għini niftaħ it-tieni dar!

Wasalt għat-2 xewqa tiegħi fiż-żmien 6 snin. Tgħini nwettaqha fis-26 ta' Settembru? #926tofinish Ibgħat donazzjoni b'SMS fuq 50618936 (€6.99)jew permezz ta' BOV Mobile Pay – 79096249Aktar informazzjoni: https://fb.me/e/hLN1OhymE

Posted by Bjorn Formosa on Monday, 26 April 2021


Help Bjorn in this cause by;


5170 2016 – Euro 15
5100 2017 – Euro 20
5180 2018 – Euro 25

Or sending an SMS

5061 9271 – Euro 11.65
5061 8936 – Euro 6.99

You can also use BOV Mobile pay to send a donation via this number 79096249


Photo Source: Bjorn Formosa FB

Licensed vehicles in Malta increase by 21 daily

Licensed vehicles in Malta increase by 21 daily
Apr 27 2021 Share

The first three months of 2021 saw an increase of licensed vehicles at a rate of 21 per day. 4921 licensed cars were added between January and March alone, an increase of 1876 on the same period in 2020. By the end of March, 404,303 vehicles were licensed to drive on Maltese roads.

Three quarters of said vehicles are passenger vehicles. Around six out of ten vehicles operate with a petrol engine, with approximately 7000 (1.7%) being electrical or hybrid vehicles.


Photo Source: Voice of the Workers Weekly

217 new emojis released for iOS 14.5

217 new emojis released for iOS 14.5
Apr 27 2021 Share

The iOS have added a whopping 217 new emojis as part of the latest iOS 14.5 beta. Ranging from exhaling faces to gender option emojis for people with beards, these emojis are now accessible on the iOS. The COVID-19 pandemic also had its effects on these emojis as the syringe emoji was changed from a blood infused syringe to a more vaccine looking jab.

Other emojis include a burning and a bandaged heart, women and men with beard, and around 200 emojis focused on inclusivity for different couples.


Photo Source: Emojipedia

COVID-19 infected Maltese man expected back from India on Wednesday

COVID-19 infected Maltese man expected back from India on Wednesday
Apr 27 2021 Share

After a 47-year-old man flew to India to adopt a girl, it was revealed that the man had contracted COVID-19 and is expected to be flown back on Wednesday. It is unknown if the man will be accompanied by his wife and daughter as he will be transported via an air ambulance to avoid spreading the virus. His wife also contracted the virus, with the status of the girl currently unknown.

The couple had travelled to India before the situation got worse, with oxygen supply dropping significantly and a variant totalling the number of cases and deaths daily. The man is currently recovering in a hospital outside New Delhi, but the Maltese High Commissioner for India Reuben Gauci could not provide further details due to confidentiality.


Photo Source: The Commonwealth