
Biden Vows to “Work Like Hell” in his Last Few Months

Jul 23 2024 Share

Joe Biden vowed that he is “going to be working like hell” in his final months as US president to campaign for Ms Harris to be his successor.

“I’m not going anywhere,” Mr. Biden said. “I know yesterday’s news was surprising and hard for you to hear,” he went on, “but it was the right thing to do. I know it’s hard because you poured your heart and soul into me to help us win this thing.”
Biden has not been active in the public view lately ever since his positive test for COVID-19, however the White House Physician said that he was recovering well and that his symptoms are “almost completely resolved”

Mr.Biden showed his determination to get his message across by mentioning the phrase “not going anywhere” three times during his four-minute talk. He also states that he wanted to put his remaining time as president to use by fighting for more child care, lowering the cost of prescription drugs, stem climate change and end the war in Gaza. He is expected to host a meeting later on this week at the White House with the Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel and showed optimism that a cease-fire is within reach.

Mr.Biden, however, gave no further explanation of his decision to withdraw from the race, but expressed his gratitude towards his “amazing team” and told them to shift their focus on Ms.Harris.


Armed Forces Of Malta Assist Two In Distress At Għajn Tuffieħa

Jul 23 2024 Share

Further to an earlier rescue operation, an Armed Forces of Malta maritime asset was deployed to assist two individuals reported to be in difficulty at Ghajn Tuffieha. The rapid response ensured the safety and well-being of those involved.

The Armed Forces urge the general public to remain vigilant and avoid unnecessary risks. Your safety is a top priority, and cooperation is essential in maintaining a secure environment for everyone. Stay safe and cautious while enjoying Malta’s beautiful coastal areas.

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More Tourists Visit Malta In 2023 Compared To 2022

Jul 23 2024 Share

A recent study completed by the National Statistics Office revealed how the number of inbound tourists coming to Malta increased significantly in 2023 compared to 2022.

The numbers went from 2,286,597 inbound tourists in 2022 to a whopping 2,975,670 tourists arriving in Malta in the year 2023. This large increase of tourists most likely has to do with the further easing of Covid-19 restrictions.

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It was shown that 61.3% of these tourists came to Malta using low-cost airlines such as Ryanair and Wizz Air.

The total number of tourists visiting Malta on average stayed 6.6 nights, down by 0.5 nights in 2022, and had a total estimated expenditure of  €2.5 billion.

Inbound tourists visiting only the Gozo and Comino region amounted to 158,378 tourists, an increase of 22.7% over 2022.


25th Anniversary of the Dingli Girl Guides Celebrated in Sicily

Jul 23 2024 Share

In celebration of their 25th anniversary, the Dingli Girl Guides embarked on an adventurous trip to Sicily from July 6th to 9th. Eighteen girls, accompanied by six leaders, stayed at Alia Sicily Camping within Pippa’s Paddock in the Madonie Mountains.

The trip featured a range of activities, starting with a day at Etnaland Water Park. The girls trekked to the Neolithic Gurfa Caves and engaged in horse orienteering at Pippa’s Paddock. They enjoyed a local heritage feast, visited the Madonie Regional Natural Park, and tackled high ropes courses and zip-lining at Parco Avventura Madonie.

Their final day was spent at Circolo Nautico Tre Laghi in Enna, where they swam, boated, and canoed. For many, this was their first international Girl Guiding experience. The trip was filled with fun, new challenges, and lasting friendships.

Parents interested in joining the Malta Girl Guides can contact the association via Facebook or email at [email protected].
