
Biden Slips-up During Nato Summit; referring to Zelenskyy as Putin

Jul 12 2024 Share

US President Joe Biden mistakenly referred to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy as Russian President Vladimir Putin at the NATO summit in Washington on Thursday. The error occurred as Biden handed over the floor to Zelenskyy, praising his courage and determination. “And now I want to hand it over to the president of Ukraine, who has as much courage as he has determination, ladies and gentlemen, President Putin,” Biden said, before quickly correcting himself. “President Putin, you’re going to beat President Putin, President Zelenskyy. I am so focused on beating Putin.”

The room reacted with gasps, and Zelenskyy responded lightheartedly, saying, “I am better (than Putin).” Biden concurred, “You are a hell of a lot better,” eliciting laughter before Zelenskyy began his address. The mix-up came during an event where Biden launched an initiative with allies to support Ukraine’s security needs.

Biden has been under scrutiny recently, facing doubts about his re-election chances after a lackluster debate performance against former President Donald Trump. Despite the scrutiny, Biden remains committed to his re-election bid, asserting that he is best positioned to defeat Trump in the upcoming November elections.

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz defended Biden, stating that “slips of the tongue happen.” British Prime Minister Keir Starmer, however, avoided questions about Biden’s fitness for presidency, instead praising his leadership at the NATO summit.

In a solo press conference later that day, Biden addressed his gaffe and emphasized the success of the summit. “Have you seen a more successful conference?” he asked reporters.

Throughout the summit, NATO members reiterated their support for Ukraine in its ongoing conflict with Russia. The US has been a crucial partner in providing military assistance to Ukraine since the Russian invasion began in February 2022. Earlier, Biden reassured Zelenskyy of unwavering US support, stating, “We will stay with you, period.”



Local Singer Covers Simpatici Iconic “Tkellimni Xejn” Song

Local Singer Covers Simpatici Iconic "Tkellimni Xejn" Song
Jul 12 2024 Share

Ex-Eurovision Song Contest and X-Factor contestant, Mark Anthony Bartolo has just posted a cover of the legendary “Tkellimni Xejn” Simpatici song.

With a whopping 4.5k views on the TikTok clip, Mark Anthony has brought harmony and life to a song that’s loved by many Maltese nationals. By covering the song and posting it on TikTok, not only is it a tribute to one of Malta’s most popular sitcom series, but also a way to educate the foreign viewers about the Maltese culture of music.

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Did you ever binge watch  Simpatici?


Damaged HMV Sign Taken Down After 60 Years

Damaged HMV Sign Taken Down After 60 Years
Jul 12 2024 Share

On Thursday night , the famous HMV (His Master’s Voice) sign, was taken down for restoration  after 60 years of it hanging in the streets of our capital city of  Valletta on top of D’Amato Records.

According to Anthony D’Amato, co-owner of the store, it is believed to being the oldest HMV sign in the world. It is located outside of the store that claims itself as the oldest record store in the world and has been there since the early 1960s

This sign was damaged during the night by a crane that was being used for construction work on the opposite side of the street. The D’Amato records Instagram page posted about  the new sign that will be restored by PrevArti Co. Lt, once the sign is restored, it will be moved into the store in order to stay in one piece.

They will then replicate this restored sign and put up the replication outside to avoid damage done to the original once again.



Beatrice Njoya Wins Miss Universe Malta

Jul 12 2024 Share

This year marked the 9th edition of the prestigious Miss Universe Malta event, organised and directed by Alan J. Darmanin
It was much more than just a competition. Twenty-five ladies embarked on a journey of self-discovery, receiving special training in catwalk, personality development, and public speaking. They also participated in various activities, photoshoots, interviews, and more.

The winner of Miss Universe Malta 2024 is Beatrice Njoya from St. Paul’s Bay. She is 39 years old, mother of 3 kids and works as a Player Risk Analyst. The first runner-up was Janei Desira from Zejtun followed by Julieth Vasco from Floriana placing as second runner-up.

By winning, Beatrice gets the opportunity to represent Malta at the 73rd Miss Universe competition which will be held this coming November in Mexico. This year’s competition breaks the record for the highest number of competing countries internationally having over 100 competitors. This year Miss Uinverse announced the removal of the age limit and for the first time, women over the age of 29 years old were allowed to take part. This news came after last year, also allowing married women and those with children to compete.

In Mexico she will have the chance to promote our country globally to an audience of over half a billion people in over 120 different countries.
