Roderick Cassar’s lawyers are challenging the new femicide law, claiming that they breach his right to a fair hearing, is sexist, discriminatory and counter-productive.
Cassar stands accused of shooting his wife Bernice on November 22nd outside Corradino, after which he was arrested following a long stand-off.

The law removed the possibility of the defence pleading ‘sudden passion’ when one or more of the aggravating circumstances subsisted, thus placing the crime under femicide.
Times of Malta wrote how the lawyers argued that the murder of a man was now considered as less grievous than that of a woman and that the accused was placed at a disadvantage due to the victim being a woman.
The lawyers argued that all parties in the same position should be treated equally as this amendment does not ‘promote equality’.
The plea of sudden passion should either be removed outright for all or it should not be excluded in a discriminatory manner, the lawyers argued.
That the accused could not plead sudden passion, the lawyers argued, meant that he was being denied a valid defence.