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Bernard Grech vows to stay ‘with Malta after Saturday’ as PN leader

Bernard Grech vows to stay ‘with Malta after Saturday’ as PN leader
Mar 21 2022 Share

When asked by journalists about what would happen if he were to lose the election next Saturday, Opposition leader Bernard Grech said that he will remain with voters for Malta. 

Grech seems to be showing no signs of dropping from his position as leader of the Nationalist Party. ‘I am with you for Malta and after Saturday, I will remain with you for Malta’ he said. 

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Grech did not want to speculate on the general election and the projections of surveys. He said that the best and only survey is that of Saturday. 

He went on to highlight how when people go to vote they will be alone in the polling booth and no one will know how they voted. He said that that in that room, one can decide to put an end to oppression and ‘take power away from Robert Abela.’ 


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Man in court for punching barman for refusing to serve more alcohol

Man in court for punching barman for refusing to serve more alcohol
Mar 21 2022 Share

A man was charged over a drunken incident at a Marsaxlokk bar yesterday due to having allegedly punched a bartender who refused to serve more alcohol.

The 33-year-old resident of the same locality was arraigned before Magistrate Natasha Galea Sciberras by inspector Doriette Cuschieri. He was charged with having caused voluntary damage at the bar, slightly injuring the air man, breaching the peace as well as being drunk and incapable of taking care of himself in public. 

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He was also accused of being a recidivist and breaching bail conditions. The inspector told the court how the Birzebbuga police station received a report about the incident at 7:30 pm yesterday. 

After the bartender refused to hand the man more drinks to him being already intoxicated, the accused punched him and damaged an outdoor umbrella canopy belonging to the establishment. The victim had also told the police that he had seen a weapon in the accused’s hand. 

The accused pleaded not guilty to the charges, with bail granted against a €2,500 deposit and a €3,000 personal guarantee. The court also ordered him to sign a bail book three times a week, observe a curfew and keep his distance from the bar in question. 


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World is sleep-walking to climate catastrophe warns UN chief

World is sleep-walking to climate catastrophe warns UN chief
Mar 21 2022 Share

A stark warning by UN chief Antonio Guterres was issued on Monday, saying that the world is ‘sleepwalking to climate catastrophe’.

Speaking at a sustainability conference in London, Guterres said that the planet saving goal of cutting global warming at 1.5 degrees celsius is already on life support. 

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If this goal is to be reached, the world requires a 45% drop in emissions by 2030 as well as carbon neutrality by the halfway point of the mid-century. 

Even if nations were to honour the revised Paris Agreement pledges, emissions are still set to rise 14% before the decade ends. ‘If we continue with more of the same, we can kiss 1.5C goodbye’

This comes just hours before the International Panel on Climate Change kicks off a two-week meeting to confirm a report on options for reducing carbon pollution. 

The report is expected to conclude that CO2 emissions must peak within a few years if the temperature targets are set to be met. The pandemic and the invasion of Ukraine, said Guterres, have been major stumbling blocks for the goal. 

He also criticised the addiction to fossil fuels as madness and ‘mutually assured destruction.’ This is being heightened due to the war in Ukraine as countries rush to replace Russian oil and gas. 


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A Naxxar road to have 400 new trees and 1000 bushes planted

A Naxxar road to have 400 new trees and 1000 bushes planted
Mar 21 2022 Share

Around 400 trees and 1,000 bushes will be planted in the main road in Triq Margaret Murray Naxxar. 

The road is situated between it-Telgħa ta’ Alla u Ommu till triq tal-Balal, and will see it getting a green makeover. The project was made possible via a €700,000 investment by Infrastructure Malta. 

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The course of the road is around 1,500 metres in length, with project architect Albert Spiteri explaining how this project is the first of its kind. 

He said that this greening project will not remove any parking spaces or driving lanes but will see plants and trees cultivated in place of the central strips. The trees introduced will be indigenous to Malta.

They were specifically chosen to absorb as much carbon dioxide as possible. Infrastructure Malta also announced that it will be installing an automatic irrigation system. 


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