Bernard Grech to contest 5th and 11th districts

Nov 7 2020 Share

Newly-elected Nationalist Party Leader Bernard Grech will be contesting the 5th and 11th electoral districts in what will be his first general election. 

The fifth district consists of Birżebbuġa, Kirskop, Imqabba, Ħal-Farruġ (Luqa), Qrendi, Safi and Bubaqra (Żurrieq) whereas the 11th district consists of Mdina, Attard, Mosta and Burmarrad (St. Paul’s Bay). 

The fifth district is largely considered as a ‘Labour Area’ with the Labour Party winning with more than 65% of the vote whereas the 11th district is what is considered a ‘stronghold’ for the Nationalist party, where it won more than 55% of the vote in the last general election.


COVID-19 deaths in Europe exceed 300,000

Nov 7 2020 Share

As the second wave of COVID-19 continues to surge through Europe with more than 12 million cases reported, a total of 300,000 deaths were registered.

Two-thirds of the deaths have been registered in the UK, Italy, France, Spain and Russia with countries like Italy returning to lockdown and Liverpool and Britain utilising testing across the entire city. 

Malta has, so far, registered 6,893 COVID-19 cases and 73 deaths with the Prime Minister shutting down any rumours of lockdown.


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Wedding Crashers 2 is in development

Nov 7 2020 Share

Everyone has their own go-to list comedy movies for when you want to just chill out and laugh, and Wedding Crashers definitely tops many people’s lists. 

15 years later, Vince Vaughn and Owen Wilson are set to return for a sequel to 2005 comedy, as Vaughn revealed that the sequel is in its early stages with an idea he believes to be ‘pretty good’ in an interview with Entertainment Tonight.


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After completing their exams in September, 1,138 students received their MATSEC certificates

Nov 6 2020 Share

After completing the September exam sessions, 1,138 students were awarded their Matriculation Certificate. Students began receiving their SEC and Matriculation Results from the exams conducted in September as of Friday. The results were shared by SMS and post. 

A total of 3,726 candidates initially applied for the first session of the MATSEC, with 4,798 students attending the special session in September, where an additional 1,072 candidates were registered.
