Bernard Grech, pays tribute to his cousin, Karin Grech, 43 years after tragedy

Dec 28 2020 Share

Bernard Grech pays tribute to his cousin Karin Grech, who died in a tragic incident 43 years ago today.

He refers to the murder of Karin Grech as a stain on our political story and a wound within their family.

Grech urged the Malta Police Force to keep investigating the case even though a substantial amount of time has passed.

“No one had to die, or has to die because of politics.”


Cristiano Ronaldo named Player of the Century

Dec 28 2020 Share

Cristiano Ronaldo honoured with the title, ‘Player of the Century’ at the Globe Soccer Awards, yesterday in Dubai.

Ronaldo said on Twitter, 
“Couldn’t be happier with tonight’s award! As I’m about to celebrate my 20th year as a professional footballer, Globe Soccer Player Of The Century is a recognition that I receive with so much joy and pride!”


Bernard Grech criticises Prime Minister’s involvement in investigation

Dec 27 2020 Share

Bernard Grech has spoken out against the Prime Minister’s involvement in the unlocking of the phone of tax chief Marvin Gaetry.

Grech stated that politicians should not be involved in police cases and criticised the fact that police are awaiting PM Robert Abela’s approval, reiterating the Abela had no problem discussing Grech’s tax issues yet now, has a problem with publicising information.

The PN leader called for the police to seek legal advice and proceed with their work, with law-breakers to be taken to court after investigations.


WHO regional director impressed with Malta’s COVID-19 vaccine recipience

Dec 27 2020 Share

Following the arrival of the COVID-19 vaccine in Malta, the World Health Organisation’s regional director for Europe, Hans Kluge stated that he was impressed with the amount of vaccines Malta managed to obtain as well as the immediacy of their arrival.

Kluge said that this exhibits the careful leadership and control the Maltese Government has conducted and reiterated how Chris Fearne himself paved the way for the conjoint European purchase of the vaccines during prior health discussions back in 2017.


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