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Bernard Grech is optimistic for the election; trusts voting margin has narrowed

Bernard Grech is optimistic for the election; trusts voting margin has narrowed
Mar 17 2022 Share

During a Nationalist Party activity in Rabat yesterday evening, PN leader Bernard Grech stated that like everyone, he has noticed that the Nationalist Party family is growing everyday.

Addressing the party’s performance going into the third quarter of the election campaign, the PN leader stated that the surveys are improving and that the voting margin is narrowing slightly every single day, but the most important survey is that of the 26th of March, sustaining that he will not waste energy and continue to convince people to approach the Nationalist Party.

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During the interview, the PN leader highlighted how 70 percent of youths stated that they feel suffocated living in Malta due to the lack of opportunities, going on to outline the 10 economic sectors that the PN has based a substantial part of their election campaign around.

Watch the full event below:

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“We want more women leading our country”, says Robert Abela

"We want more women leading our country", says Robert Abela
Mar 16 2022 Share

Addressing a Labour event this evening, Prime Minister and Labour Party leader Robert Abela stated that he wants more women in the country’s leadership.

Abela praised the recently-approved gender corrective mechanism, which will come into effect during the next legislature and provide a boost to women MPs. He sustained his and the Labour Party’s aim to create a just country with equal opportunities for all, especially for youth. The Prime Minister reiterated the importance and belief in social mobility, stating that “whatever your financial circumstances, it is the country’s duty to give you an opportunity to move forward in your life.”

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With regards to the LGBTIQ+ community, he stated that while reforms have already been made, there is much more to be done in this regard, highlighting that individuals in minority groups should have more opportunity to occupy leadership roles, parliamentary seats and more in the highest opportunities. “We have to fight to remove every piece of inequality in our country”, the Prime Minister stated to thunderous applause.

Watch the full event below:

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Bernard Grech discusses importance of 10 economic sectors during PN rally in Rabat

Bernard Grech discusses importance of 10 economic sectors during PN rally in Rabat
Mar 16 2022 Share

This evening, Nationalist Party leader Bernard Grech addressed a party meeting in Rabat, where he discussed the party’s performance during the election season’s third quarter and a number of other current affairs.

Amongst other topics, Grech discussed the ten economic sectors, which have been one of the Nationalist Party’s fundamental pillars going into the March 26th election. The PN leader took a brief moment to mention his party’s ‘track record’, sustaining that a Nationalist government brought sectors such as aviation, pharmaceuticals, tourism, financial services and others to Malta.

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He went on to break down the new economic sectors; the metaverse, compliance & due diligence services, specialised manufacturing, 3D printing, artificial intelligence, eSports, video game development and others. Addressing Labour’s comments that some of these industries already exist, Grech highlighted that while there may be standalone initiatives which have embraced such industries, a Nationalist Party government will see to the development of such sectors on a national scale.

Watch the full address below:

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Partit Popolari propose minimum wage for stay at home parents

Partit Popolari propose minimum wage for stay at home parents
Mar 16 2022 Share

Among the proposals by political party Partit Poplari, one pledge promises to grant a minimum wage to stay at home parents where three children are present. 

The party states how the parent who leaves work to raise at least three children will be given payment which is equivalent to national minimum wage. The measure would stop once the kids reach official age of school-leaving. 

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The parent would then benefit from an exemption from income tax for ten years. Apart from this measure, the party is also proposing the extension of maternity benefits to 24 weeks. 

Parents who have one child will be given an extra day of paid leave per year. Parents of two children will be given three extra days whereas parents of three children or more will be given 5 days extra. 


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