Will Bernard Grech resign if he loses the election? Bernard Grech answers

Bernard Grech addresses election surveys and what happens post-election
Mar 2 2022 Share

Addressing questions during a political party, Opposition leader Bernard Grech spoke about the election surveys and what the vote gap suggests to him.

Grech replied to a question by first stating that it is the people who will close the gap and not him. All he can do is keep helping the people and creating a better vision for them. 

The PN leader revealed that he does follow what is being said in the surveys, but he also acknowledged that there are people who do not speak up due to being afraid. There are also people, Grech said, who claim they are PL but state that they will vote Nationalist for several reasons. 

‘We truly are the underdog party’ said Grech, even though the opposition has strengthened. He appealed to anyone feeling uneasy about voting Nationalist to take the chance and join their movement. 

Addressing what happens if he were to lose the election and whether or not he would be replaced, Grech said that he cannot predict what will happen after the election, which he described as a difficult road. He said that he wants to keep helping people and put himself forward in service to the country. He said he is focused on the challenge ahead in the form of the general election and that together with the people, the gap can be closed. 


‘Franco Debono is always welcome with the Nationalist Party’ – Bernard Grech

‘Franco Debono is always welcome with the Nationalist Party’ says Bernard Grech
Mar 2 2022 Share

Speaking during a political activity, Nationalist Party leader Bernard Grech spoke about lawyer Franco Debono’s decision not to contest the 2022 general election.

Grech stated that for one to be part of a movement, one does not necessarily have to be a candidate within the party. Instead, the Opposition leader said that, having a lot to offer, Franco Debono is always welcome to work with the party.

Grech highlighted how he is open to working with everyone as long as they wish to do good in Malta. ‘Franco Debono is close to the party and I have no doubt that Franco wants positive change to happen in Malta’ he said. 

Addressing the rejuvenation of the party, Grech said that the point is not to have people leave the party. The point is to give new room for fresh politicians who wish to make a change but also extend the room for people to join and help the party push Malta for the better.

In this respect, he said, Franco is welcome to join and help us towards our goals. ‘He is always welcome’ said Grech. This follows an official statement by Franco Debono who revealed that, despite the support, he will not be contesting the election.


15 days paternal leave announced by Nationalist Party

15 days paternal leave announced by Nationalist Party
Mar 2 2022 Share

Interviewed during a political rally, Opposition leader Bernard Grech has pledged that the Nationalist Party will be giving 15 days of paternal leave if it is elected into government.

Given that fathers only have 1 day of paternal leave, Grech highlighted how parents need to be given the opportunity to develop the relationship with their children. The relationship of both parents with their children is integral for the development of children. 

‘I wish more parents have the opportunity to develop this relationship’ he said. Grech said that not all parents have the opportunity to spend as much time with their children as they may wish. This proposal will therefore help parents in this way. 

Malta’s birthdate is very low, said Grech. He said that this must be addressed directly and this measure will give parents more options when it comes to child rearing. This measure also forms part of a packet of measures which gives an additional €1,000 to parents for every newborn. 


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€1,500 for students who pursue education beyond post-secondary level, says Robert Abela

€1,500 for students who pursue education beyond post-secondary level
Mar 2 2022 Share

During this evening’s Labour Party Q&A event held in Mosta, Prime Minister and Labour leader Robert Abela revealed that students who pursue and education beyond a post-secondary level will receive a sum of €1,500.

The purpose behind such a proposal is to incentivise youths to follow an education beyond the obligatory age of 16. Abela highlighted that the grant will be split into instalments of €500 euro per year for three years and comes on top of the 15 per cent increase in stipends also proposed by the Labour Party.

The Prime Minister reiterated the claim that education will be one of the party’s main pillars going into the March 26 election. Earlier this evening Abela also revealed that, if elected, a Labour Government will ensure that student teachers will be paid in full during their teaching practice.

Watch the full Q&A below:

What do you make of this proposal?
