Ben Camille returning to host X Factor Season 3

Aug 12 2021 Share

On Wednesday night, X Factor Malta confirmed that TV host and local personality Ben Camille will return to host the third season of the popular Maltese television show.

Camille had hosted the first two seasons of X Factor Malta after becoming a household name in the Maltese media landscape, also previously hosting the Junior Eurovision Song Contest in Malta in 2016.

Ben Camille will join returning hosts Ira Losco and Howard Keith Debono along with new faces Ivan Grech from Winter Moods and The New Victorians’ Philippa Naudi.



9,000 people in Germany to be vaccinated again after nurse replaced vaccine with salt water

Aug 12 2021 Share

Close to 9,000 German residents must be vaccinated yet again after a nurse swapped out the vaccine with a reportedly harmless saltwater solution, as reported by Metro UK.

German police have found that the nurse in question may have swapped the vaccine with a saline solution multiple times and have thus called for 9,000 people to receive another shot with the vaccine to be safe.

All of the people concerned were over 70 years of age and located in the same Schortens-Roffhausen region in Germany.

Deputy head of the Wilhelmshaven/Friesland police station Peter Beer has stated that authorities have contacted people who may have received the saltwater solution instead of the vaccine and patients who were jabbed with the saline solution are in no health risk.


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Around €300,000 in taxpayer money to repatriate ‘stranded’ language students

Aug 12 2021 Share

The government has paid around €300,000 in flights to return language students who were stuck in Malta with COVID-19 or endured a quarantine period after contact with a positive case.

Five flights to Italy, Germany, France and Spain flew 579 minors to their country after English language schools had to close down on July 9 due to new COVID-19 measures as a result of a recent spike in cases.

A spokesman for the Malta Tourism Authority told Times of Malta that these students were repatriated to be reunited with their families in times of need, with two flights being for students who did not test positive and three special flights for positive-testing students.

Half of English language schools have once again opened to fully-vaccinated students following backlash towards a decision which they called ‘unwarranted’.


Joseph Portelli plans to buy a high calibre Italian or English football club

Joseph Portelli plans to buy a high calibre Italian or English football club
Aug 11 2021 Share

Speaking at a press conference, Hamrun Spartans Football Club President Joseph Portelli stated that he is considering buying a foreign club from Serie C and above. Admitting that this is a long-term project and not one that will be achieved over-night, Portelli stated that investors such as himself have no other option but to attempt to do so as foreign players of a certain calibre do not come to Malta. 

This happens for several reasons, unveils Portelli. Mainly, this occurs because the players would not be able to promote themselves as much in Malta, despite receiving higher pay were they to join Maltese clubs. Because of this situation, Maltese football clubs cannot improve their level and thus suffer due to such limitations. He also exclaimed how he does not want to experience the same as the president before him as he seeks to make Hamrun Spartans self-sustaining. Portelli’s goal not only seeks to improve his football club’s prospects but also the Maltese game as a whole. 


Photo Source: Hamrun Spartans Football Club FB

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