
Ben Camille & Kristina shed light on work-life balance in new video

Ben Camille & Kristina shed light on work-life balance in new video
May 15 2021 Share

Society’s ever-changing nature has dictated the norms and beliefs of work and family life for as long as we can remember but it doesn’t necessarily mean that they are correct.

In a video released earlier today by the Human Rights Directorate, Ben Camille & his wife Kristina took part in an exercise which highlights the pressure put on women in today’s environment and the benefits of balancing work-life responsibilities.

International Day of Families with Ben & Kristina

On International Day of Families, Ben Camille and Kristina explain the importance of partnerships of equals: Partnerships of joint sharing of responsibilities, mutual support in pursuit of personal goals, and that challenge traditional gender roles and stereotypes.🤜❤️🤛 Fil-Jum Internazzjonali tal-Familji, Ben Camille u Kristina jitkellmu dwar l-importanza tal-ugwaljanza fil-familja. Familji fejn ikun hemm qsim ta' responsabbiltajiet, appoġġ reċiproku fil-kisba ta' għanijiet personali, u li jisfidaw l-rwoli u l-isterjotipi tradizzjonali assoċjati mal-ġeneru.MaltaGov | riformi | Malta Daily | Ġustizzja

Posted by Human Rights Directorate on Saturday, 15 May 2021

The video challenges the very-dated term of ‘Xogħol il-mara’ and attempts to highlight how much easier it is when couples work together to balance life’s challenges together.

Despite work being carried out daily on the importance of balancing life’s challenges, unfortunately many of today’s families adhere to the old-fashioned beliefs that a woman’s place is at home doing housework while the man is the breadwinner and we must unite to change this state of mind.


Health Minister Chris Fearne to become a grand father soon!

Health Minister Chris Fearne to become a grand father
May 15 2021 Share

Health Minister and Deputy Prime Minister Chris Fearne announced on the TV programme AWLA that he will be becoming a grand-father in the coming months. He revealed the amazing news to host Luke Dalli and stated that he strongly admires his son and his son’s wife for still going forward with their marriage despite the COVID-19 pandemic.

Fearne will be becoming a grandfather for the first time ever, and we can only imagine how excited he is to meet his grandchild. We congratulate Fearne and al his family for the wonderful news, especially considering that Fearne has been managing the COVID-19 situation bravely for well over a year.


Photo Source: Awla FB

Malta no longer a COVID-19 high-risk area for the Netherlands and Denmark

Malta no longer a COVID-19 high-risk area for the Netherlands and Denmark
May 15 2021 Share

Both Denmark and Netherlands have placed Malta on their yellow travel list, which means that Danish and Dutch citizens can now travel to Malta without having to adhere to 15-day quarantines. Authorities of these respective countries have advised against non-essential travel to all other countries except Malta, following in Germany’s footsteps a few days ago.

Minister for Tourism and Consumer Protection Clayton Bartolo stated that the ‘Maltese government’s strategy of a strong vaccination roll out complimented with restrictive measures aimed at being was in a gradual manner are the main ingredients behind this sterling news.’

These changes in travel restrictions came as a surprise to many considering that the UK has left Malta off its green list for travel. But these changes still bode well for Malta’s tourism economy as the 1st June approaches.


Photo Source: AirMalta

Fully vaccinated USA citizens no longer require masks

Fully vaccinated USA citizens no longer require masks
May 15 2021 Share

President Joe Biden has announced, based on CDC guidance, that fully vaccinated US citizens no longer need to wear masks in public. The US has administered more than 267 million doses, with the number of fully vaccinated people reaching up to 119 million (36.3%). This news also follows after the CDC authorised the Pfizer vaccine’s use for emergency among adolescents aged 12 to 15.


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The US has had one of the highest numbers of COVID-19 cases and a death count reaching over 585,000. The vaccine rollout however has mitigated the spread as US health authorities work towards achieving herd immunity. Vaccine hesitancy also contributed to the slow progress, as people who demand the vaccine have dwindled in number, forcing many states to create incentives for citizens to get the jab.

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Photo Source: Politico, @joebiden IG