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Average Monthly Salary At €1,928 In 2024 Q1

Average Monthly Salary At €1,928 In 2024 Q1
Jun 13 2024 Share

In the first quarter of 2024, the Labour Force Survey estimated that 306,571 people were employed in Malta, a 4.6% increase from the previous year, representing 64.3% of the population aged 15 and over.

Unemployment stood at 9,301 (1.9%), while 161,243 (33.8%) were inactive. The activity rate was 81.3%, peaking at 91.6% among those aged 25-54.

Employment rates showed 79 out of every 100 people aged 15-64 were employed, with male employment at 84.7 % and female employment at 72.0 %. The 25-34 age group had the highest employment for both genders. Self-employed individuals made up 13.8% of the workforce.

Most employees (271,309) worked full-time, averaging 40.9 hours per week, while part-timers (35,262) averaged 21.5 hours. Overall, the average weekly hours worked were 34.1, a decrease from the previous year.

The average monthly salary was €1,928, highest in the financial and insurance sector. Salaries ranged from €1,223 in elementary occupations to €3,132 for managers.

The unemployment rate was 3.0%, predominantly among those aged 25-74. Females constituted 58.7% of inactive persons, mostly due to retirement. Forty percent of the population had a low education level, whereas 37.0% of the employed had tertiary education.


Source: NSO

People Switching To Dumbphones To Fight Phone Addiction

Jun 13 2024 Share

Adults and teenagers concerned about excessive screen time are opting for simpler “dumbphones” instead of smartphones.

Many people realise their smartphone use has become an obsession, driven by social media’s Fear of Missing Out (FOMO).

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In the UK, Ofcom research indicates that around 25% of children aged five to seven have their own smartphones, raising concerns about the impact on mental health.

Some campaigners advocate for age limits on smartphone use. Parents are also opting for dumbphones to stay present with their families. Sales of these low-tech devices are rising in North America.

Stores like Dumbwireless in Los Angeles cater to parents seeking simple phones for their kids to avoid internet distractions. However, challenges persist as some schools require apps, and peer pressure for expensive smartphones remains strong.

Solutions like the “unpluq” device can wirelessly block certain apps, helping manage usage.

Companies like Techless are developing sleek yet basic phones, such as the “Wisephone II,” designed to minimize distractions and promote a tranquil experience.

These phones offer limited third-party tools without social media, encouraging users to prioritize their well-being.


Sunny & Hot Weather Expected For This Weekend

Sunny & Hot Weather Expected For This Weekend
Jun 13 2024 Share

A sunny and hot weekend is to be expected following a rather cloudy (but hot) Thursday.

Temperatures are set to climb to at least 32 degrees Celsius by this Sunday 16th June, with the weather expected to be sunny all the way through.

Rather weird weather patterns have been noted as low late, with Thursday notably bringing in cloudy weather and a 65% chance of rain.

What do you think? Will you be hitting the beach this weekend?


Local Icon Freddie Portelli Sings At Childhood School

Local Icon Freddie Portelli Sings At Childhood School
Jun 13 2024 Share

The students and parents at the Maria Regina College – St Paul’s Bay Primary were treated to a musical surprise during the Kindergarten’s concert – a visit and concert by Freddie Portelli.

The local icon performed some of his best hits for the kids, teachers and parents, but also got to relive some of the many beautiful memories he had during his time at the school.

Portelli was born in St Paul’s Bay back in 1944 and has created some of the most well known tracks the Maltese are familiar with – including ‘Viva Malta’ and ‘Mur Ħallini.’
