
Athlete Claire Azzopardi breaks triple jump national record

Athlete Claire Azzopardi breaks triple jump national record
Jan 23 2023 Share

Maltese star athlete Claire Azzopardi has just broken the triple jump national record following a year of absence from the event. 

Azzopardi is no stranger to breaking records and bagging awards for her athleticism, and her most recent venture in the London Indoor Games in Lee Valley saw her achieve yet another milestone. 

Having focused on the long jump for the past two years, she made a comeback to the triple jump by improving by 16 centimetres on the previously established record.

Well done Claire! 


Another tremor hits the Maltese Islands in the span of a few days

Another tremor hits the Maltese Islands in the span of a few days
Jan 23 2023 Share

Int ħassejtha? That’s right, Malta has been hit by yet another tremor as the islands continue to be face a pattern of uncommon seismic activity.

On January 18th, three different earthquakes hit Malta in the span of 24 hours, with the strongest being registered at a magnitude of 5.1.

The University of Malta’s Seismic Monitoring and Research Group had warned that seismic activity will continue over the next few weeks, with the entirety of Europe experience a peculiar stint of tremors in the past days.


TikTok reveals employees can decide which videos go viral

TikTok reveals employees can decide which videos go viral
Jan 23 2023 Share

Popular social media platform TikTok has just confirmed something which had been suspected for a long time by users – certain members of staff have the power to make videos go viral at their own whim. 

The Chinese-based app confirmed to news platform Forbes that some of its US employees have the ability which is known as ‘heating’ in inner circles. 

Heating is the ability to boost videos ad it is usually used to help the app ‘introduce celebrities ad emerging actors to the TikTok community.’ 

The heating button basically sidesteps the algorithm itself and pushes traffic through to clips on the platform. This comes after years of speculation of there being a hidden feature which can catapult view counts to global audiences. 

The little tool is used to make sure that feeds aren’t always the same two trends on repeat. According to documents obtained by Forbes, heated videos reportedly make up around 1 to 2 per cent of total daily video views. 

Also according to Forbes, most of the other major apps engage in some form of boosting with the aim of amplifying specific posts to users to keep the app rolling forward. 

However, the main difference is that when a video is boosted, it is usually labelled. Heating is not signposted, which makes it all the more sneaky. 


Pink Floyd 50th anniversary logo accused of going ‘woke’ over rainbow

Pink Floyd 50th anniversary logo accused of going ‘woke’ over rainbow
Jan 23 2023 Share

Pink Floyd were accused by a whole cohort of ‘fans’ for including a rainbow in the new logo to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the ‘Dark Side of the Moon.’ 

The English rock band shared a new spin to their iconic album cover to mark half a century since its release. The cover, which had included a rainbow being refracted through a prism, was misinterpreted as Pink Floyd going ‘woke.’ 

Some commenters said that they swore off the band from that moment onwards, with others saying that it is making them losing stupid. 

However, other, more attuned fans of the band went on to point out that the rainbow had been part of the logo since the launch back in 1973. 

Dark Side of the Moon was the eighth studio album to be released by the rock band and became one of the most acclaimed albums of all time. It sold 45 million copies worldwide, making it the fourth best selling album in history. 
