
Artemis: NASA launches most powerful ever built rocket to the moon

Artemis: NASA launches most powerful rocket ever built to the moon
Nov 16 2022 Share

NASA have officially launched the most powerful rocket ever built on a journey to the moon on Wednesday, kicking off the space agency’s flagship program, Artemis. 

The Space Launch System (SLS), towering at 32-storeys, blasted off from the Kennedy Space Center, Florida at 01:47am with a record breaking 8.8 million pounds of thrust generated.

Fixed to the rocket was the Orion spaceship that will orbit Earth’s moon in a test run for later flights. This will then see the first woman and first person of colour to land on the moon by 2025. 

Two previous attempts in August and September were aborted prior to launch because of technical difficulties. Now, the 25-day and 1.3 million mile trip marks NASA’s first few capable deep-space mission in 50 years. 

The Orion spacecraft is expected to orbit around the moon for 6 days to collect data and allow mission controllers to assess the performance of the vessel. 

America last sent astronauts to the Moon during the Apollo era, from 1969-1972. For mythology geeks, Apollo and Artemis are twin gods from the Greek Pantheon, with Orion being a huntsman just like Artemis. 


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Missile that hit Poland might not have been fired from Russia, Biden suggests

Missile that hit Poland might not have been fired from Russia, Biden suggests
Nov 16 2022 Share

US President Joe Biden has told his allies that the missile which hit a Polish village and killed two people was unlikely to have been fired from Russia. 

Poland’s military was put on high alert following the incident, with Biden’s comments coming after speaking with his Polish counterpart and NATO secretary-general Jens Stoltenberg. 

Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki urged his compatriots to remain calm as Western leaders held an emergency roundtable at the G20 summit in Indonesia. 

The leaders do not want to jump to conclusions despite expressing solidarity with Poland. Polish President Andrzej Duda said there is no convulsive evidence as to who launched the missile. 

During the time of the Polish village explosion, Russian missiles were being fired on various Ukrainian cities, including Kyiv. Russia’s defence ministry claimed yesterday evening that it was not behind the blast and called it a deliberate provocation aimed at escalation. 


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5 MORE snacks from our childhood which get us nostalgic AF

5 MORE snacks from our childhood which get us nostalgic AF
Nov 16 2022 Share

The Nostalgia returns. Last time we listed a couple of snacks from our childhood, our community couldn’t help but look back on the good old days with glee and now, we’re back.

Not all of the products mentioned below are still on shelves nowadays, but we can’t help but vividly remember our 7-year-old selves unleashing one of the below from our Mickey Mouse backpack on a sunny Saturday afternoon… here are 5 MORE snacks from our childhood which get us nostalgic AF.


If the mere mention of ‘peanut-flavoured crispy corn curls’ isn’t enough to get your mouth watering and nostalgia-meter on overload, the brightly-coloured superheroes on the packaging will definitely do it.


Collectors, pop-culture lovers, people with a sweet tooth, you name it! PEZ dispensers are still around, with brand new collections coming out to this day, but nothing truly beats the excitement we’d get when mum would actually let us get one at the supermarket.


Caramel Log

One of the flakiest candy bars ever to hit local (and probably foreign) shelves, Tunnock’s Caramel Log is a decadent, bite-sized bar containing crunchy biscuit, delicious caramel and roasted coconut. Thankfully, it’s still on sale nowadays and we can understand why.


These bright-coloured bottles were the stuff of Maltese food & drink legend. Ranging from Tropical Tang to Orange Groover, Kiwi Krush and Ravin’ Raspberry, the sugary, non-carbonated treats are due for a comeback.

Photo Source: Ghal min ihobb in 90’s f Malta – By DjChris Funkytown


“Poooo-po-po-po-pola-retti!” If you read that in the same tone of voice as the OG television advert, you are a ’90s kid through and through. The fruity frozen delights would grace our freezers in the same and would make a good day even better.

Which childhood snack was YOUR favourite?


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Donald Trump will officially run for US President in 2024

Donald Trump will officially run for US President in 2024
Nov 16 2022 Share

Former US President Donald Trump has announced he will once again run for the role in the 2024 election. 

The presidential run by Trump did not come as a big surprise as he strongly hinted at the announcement on the eve of this month’s mid-term elections. “We’ve always known this was not the end, it was only the beginning to rescue the American dream” he told supporters.

“In order to make America great and glorious again I am tonight announcing my candidacy for President of the United States.”

Trump went on to describe the US as a ‘nation in decline’ and said that this is a fate that cannot be accepted. The Guardian had reported that Trump had wanted to capitalise on the Republican party’s clean-sweep by launching the campaign following the forecasted success.

However, Joe Biden’s party kept control of the Senate and the predicted ‘red wave’ underperformed. Meanwhile, the current POTUS tweeted out saying Trump ‘destroyed America’ during his time in office. 

Trump told a crowd gathered at his Mar-a-Lago estate that he felt compelled to run, despite ‘not needing this.’ He said he had a very nice easy life but ‘we need to save our country.’ 
