
Around 9,000 tourists visited Malta last February

Around 9,000 tourists visited Malta last February
Apr 12 2021 Share

The number of tourists who visited Malta in February amounts to 9,151, which is a 93.7% decrease when compared to February of 2020. The National Statistics Office published the data on Monday, revealing that 5,564 of the 9,151 total travelled to Malta on holiday. Another 2,281 travelled to Malta on business or professional work with the remaining 1,306 having travelled for other reasons, from educational to health reasons.

The decrease occurred when the COVID-19 pandemic was introduced as a global pandemic. Another decrease of 95% occurred when it comes to travel as 7,126 of those who travelled to Malta came by air. Total tourist expenditure was estimated at €8.4 million, a 90.4% over February 2020.


47 COVID-19 cases registered with 52 recoveries

Apr 12 2021 Share

Malta has registered 47 new cases of COVID-19 in the past 24 hours from 2,036 swab tests, while 52 patients have recovered. This information was announced by the official Facebook page of Malta’s Ministry for Health.

As of Monday 12th April 2021, 244,718 vaccine doses were administered of which 71,481 were 2nd doses.

To date, Malta has registered 29,661 COVID-19 cases in total, of which: 28,706 have recovered, 402 died and 553 are still active.


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Henry Galea reaches 3 million followers on TikTok

Henry Galea reaches 3 million followers on TikTok
Apr 12 2021 Share

The hard work does not stop paying off for Henry Galea as the Cosmetics and Makeup Artist and ClubHouse Europe Member reaches 3 million followers on the social media TikTok platform. It hasn’t been long since we reported his 2 million achievement but Henry has reached a new well-deserved milestone.

The founder of his own makeup brand Heri Cosmetics, Henry has not stopped impressing us and his followers with his artistic creations as he constructs beautiful characters through makeup and costume. There is far more in store for Henry as he will be making his way to Los Angeles to chase his dream. Keep up the great work Henry!


Putin bans same-sex marriage and transgender adoption

Putin bans same-sex marriage and transgender adoption
Apr 12 2021 Share

The Russian President Vladimir Putin has banned same-sex marriage and transgender adoption. This huge blow for LGBTQ+ rights was health when Putin changed several constitutions on a number of issues this week. This decision follows a referendum in which 77% of people in Russia voted in favour of this ban in July 2020.

Same-sex marriages will thus not be able to get legally married in Russia, with transgender members being unable to adopt. The constitution change also includes a reset on Putin’s limits as president, giving him the possibility of serving an extra two six-year terms despite his current term ending in 2024.
