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Army involvement & deportation among PN’s 5 security proposals, Joe Giglio reveals

Army involvement & deportation among PN's 5 security proposals, Joe Giglio reveals
Aug 21 2022 Share

The recent mass street brawl in Hamrun (and a number of others) stirred national conversation on the state of Malta’s security, with everyday citizens & politicians alike airing their concerns & frustrations.

With the support and collaboration of PN Gozo spokesperson Alex Borg, PN spokesperson for Home Affairs Joe Giglio highlighted the Nationalist Party’s security-related proposals for Malta, arguing that the country’s security is indeed being threatened.

The first one calls for the strengthening of the police force by improving conditions, highlighting how the force is demotivated, overworked, overstretched and underpaid. The second calls for lawbreaking foreigners to be deported immediately without possibility of return while the third proposes the strengthening of law enforcement agencies. Army involvement was suggested in the fourth point whilst, in the fifth, Giglio highlights how Malta’s courts should be given enough resources to adapt to today’s laws through a new Criminal Code, as opposed to the procedure written in 1854.

From the Hamrun brawl, 2 Syrian men were arrested whilst 11 others were identified and are expected to be taken to court with a pending citation and charges of breaking public peace and disobeying a police officer’s orders.

What do you make of this proposals?


Budget will focus on the little guy and less fortunate says Prime Minister

Budget will focus on the little guy and less fortunate says Prime Minister
Aug 20 2022 Share

Speaking on ONE Radio, Prime Minister Robert Abela said that the Budget financial aid will mainly concern the little guy and those most in need in society. 

Speaking on the programme ‘Sibt il-Punt’, Abela was asked about the preparations being made in lieu of the looming 2022 Budget. He revealed that the proposals being inputted are not only being analysed but also discussed in several forums and meetings. 

However, the Prime Minister said that he could already highlight how the principles governing the next budget will be responsibility and sustainability. 

He said that the government wishes to bill on the several incentives and measures implemented in the past, such as free transport and childcare. This, said Abela, will be mostly directed to helping those less financially able in society and to prop up the little guy in Maltese communities. 

Abela said that this is all being done whilst keeping in mind the global challenges we are facing due to the Ukraine war, saying that the government will not be changing the mechanism whereby the COLA (compensation for cost of living) is determined. 

Highlighting the importance of competition to stay relevant within the market and economy, Abela said that the government has always acted as a reliable shoulder for businesses. He pointed to how the government is managing the situation in regards to the increase in prices of energy and fuel as proof for this support for businesses. 


Activists calling for withdrawal of Mediterraneo’s zoo license

Activists calling for withdrawal of Mediterraneo’s zoo license
Aug 20 2022 Share

The Animal Liberation Malta movement have asked the government to withdraw the zoo license of the Mediterraneo water park. This follows the death of three dolphins at their facility, with the group penning a letter to parliamentary secretary for animal welfare Alicia Bugeja Said. 

The activists accused the marine park of covering up the death of the three animals in the span of a month, as the dolphins died between August and September 2021. 

The group have stated that they hope that the investigation being conducted by the commissioner for animal welfare Alison Bezzina could indicate how the Veterinary Regulations Directorate carried out investigations into the case. 

‘This case is also being actively supported internationally by organisations concerned with dolphin welfare; UK based NGO Marine Connection and also followed by US based Dolphin Project’ the group said. 

‘Malta has long banned animal circuses which back then was clearly a progressive move in favour of animals. However Mediterraneo Park, much to the constant opposition of animal and environmental NGOs, was given a license to operate as a zoo!’ 

‘Animal Liberation Malta believes that the Maltese government should be at the forefront for the safeguard of cetacean welfare and marine life and that their protection should be given priority especially by your secretariat which is also responsible for Animal Welfare and not only fisheries. We believe that Mediterraneo should change into a rehab centre for aquatic species where true conservation can take place. Thus, putting Malta as the unique leading Mediterranean rehabilitation centre.’


13 to 18 year olds with most mental health issues due to COVID-19 shows study

13 to 18 year olds with most mental health issues due to COVID-19 shows study
Aug 20 2022 Share

A fresh study into the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic has shown that teens between the ages of 13 and 18 were the age group most affected with mental health issues due to the COVID-19 pandemic. 

A survey held by Aġenzija Żgħażagħ showed the exact impacts the advent of the virus had on Malta’s youth. 74.2% of respondents from the 13 to 18 year old age group said that they were negatively affected. 

In comparison, only 56.4% of 19 to 25 year olds shared the same sentiment. The survey received responses from 418 participants, 51.4% of which identified as female, 48.33% as male, and 0.24% as other. 

Females reported higher negative impacts on their mental health due to the pandemic than males did. 38.6% of females raved that their physical health was negatively impacted, with only 31.7% saying that the pandemic had no effect on mental health. 

The survey concerned everything from how education or work was effected, impacts on physical health and even personal life with family. 
